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单词 swimming 例句大全,用单词swimming造句:

Not only does he play baketball very well, but his skill at swimming is also advanced.
Satisfied with what I said, mother agreed that I could go swimming with my classmates.
Swimming is a recreation practised in the sea or in indoor and outdoor swimming pools.
Swimming strengthens your lower back and abdomen without putting strain on your joints.
游泳增强你的下背部和腹部力量, 放松关节。
The swimming pool with large extent can accommodate over eight people at the same time.
But don't alienate yourselves from them, just as in swimming you don't leave the water.
但是不要脱离他, 等于我们游水一样不要脱离水。
We have a swimming cap and bathing suit with a good, went to the nearest swimming pool.
It will hold aquatic events such as swimming, diving, water polo and synchronized swimming.
He flew into a whim and went swimming on a cold winter day, and got a fever soon afterwards.
在一个寒冷的冬天, 他心血来潮去游泳, 回来就发高烧。
Adaptive external morphology and swimming behavior in the aquatic firefly, Luciola substriata
If a hippo starts swimming aggressively towards you, stand up and wave your paddle in the air
如果河马气势汹汹地向你游来, 站起来在空气里挥浆
What is the reason that allergy appears after swimming ?How prevent and toprevent and treat ?
ObjectiveTo discuss the effects of acetazolamide on mouse antianoxia and swimming performance.
What is the reason that allergy appears after swimming ? How prevent and toprevent and treat ?
There is a restaurant, bar and free swimming pool access. The price includes a buffet breakfast.
The leg action of the breaststroke may have originated by imitating the swimming action of frogs.
My brother didn't realize that he had forgotten his swimming suit until he arrived at the swimming pool.
This swimming pool forbids wearing seabeach trousers and white or transparent swimming sweater and pants.
Competition admission tickets and so on ship, fire, swimming, wheelchair fencing have sold out completely.
Experimental comparison between the effects of winter swimming and swimming exercise on diabetes mellitus in rats
Menstrual period swimming or sexual intercourse, also will cause the bacterium to take an opportunity has the adnexitis.
Typical mistake He dived in a swimming pool from the divingboard. Correction He dived into a swimming pool from the divingboard.
Notice for participants of Aqua Aerobics the classes will be held at swimming pool, please dress standard swimming suits and caps.
参加水中有氧课程学员请于游泳池上课, 并著标准泳衣泳帽。
When tired of swimming about I would sit on the bank and gaze at the strip of water that wound away eastwards and hid behind a thick wood of acacia trees.
Although man has invented machines for flying and swimming, they are never as well-adapted to air and water as the creatures born to inhabit those elements.

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