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单词 sure 例句大全,用单词sure造句:

The test results are double checked to make absolutely sure.
Awful things will happen in this century, I'm absolutely sure.
I think the answers right but Im not absolutely sure about it.
我认为这答案是正确的, 但是没有绝对的把握。
You have to go now, be sure of aba too long to see you again.
A very minor sentence, absolutely sure to remember brotherhood.
The civilians You may abstain from voting, if you are not sure.
平民若不确定, 可以先不投票
Sure, it's still officially fall according to my wall calendar.
当然, 它仍然属于正式根据我的挂历。
He had little academic training but a very sure musical instinct.
他没有受过什么专门训练, 但确实有音乐天才。
Make sure you have sufficient privileges to access this resource.
Sure. sure. I was the only man in America qualified for this job.
当然了, 我是美国唯一胜任此项工作的人。
For sure, were headed for a time of abundance, at least in quantity.
毫无疑问, 我们正迈向一个信息丰富的时代。
To accept battle in haste is to fight without being sure of victory.
临时仓卒应战, 胜利的把握是没有的。
OK, sure. And I understand about Mr. Chen's absence. It's no problem.
Sure. I can see you are quite smart, so I accept you as my apprentice.
可以。我看你很有灵气, 我可以收下你这个徒弟。
Sure, the fruits are all delicious while their prices seem acceptable.
Make sure the screw connections for the diagonal braces are accessible!
Make sure the screw connections for the diagonal braces are accessible.
What we should make sure is to absorb the essence and discard the dregs.
我们要明确得是取其精髓, 去其糟粕。
What we should make sure is to absorb the essence and discard the dregs.
我们要明确的是取其精髓, 去其糟粕。
Im sure people will think, Aah, its because Ive slept with Tim, she says.
They are sure that parents and administrators will never accept anything.
Very truly abominable, be sure to let Snow White disappeared from the world
他宁肯不及格, 也不愿意去恳求那个令人反感的老师。
Ivan was surprised. He asked again to make sure that she accepted his love.
依凡呆住了, 他又问了一遍来确定她已接受了他的爱。
I'm sure he went out yesterday. It is not an accident that today he's late.
But I'm also sure, pretty sure, that absolutely nobody is thinking of this.
但我同时也确信,非常肯定 绝对没有人想到它

单词 sure 释义

  • 单词释义:肯定的,有把握的;一定的,无疑的;可靠的;沉着自信的  [更多..]



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