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单词 surcharge 例句大全,用单词surcharge造句:

Research and application of vacuum preloading combined with surcharge preloading method in hydraulic engineering
真空 堆载联合预压法在水利工程中的应用与研究
Departure taxes, Hong Kongairport security charge, fuel surcharge and travel agent service fee are not included.
A big battle will be over the renewal of a petroltax surcharge, whose proceeds are earmarked for roads and such.
Finite Element Method Used in Modeling Lateral Soil Movement due to Surcharge Loads and Its Effect on Adjacent Piles
Air France recently followed the British Airways lead in Europe by increasing its fuel surcharge on passenger fares.
在欧洲的做法, 提高了向乘客收取的燃油附加费。
Lawyer No. The surcharge is not attributive to the deeds of the punishment. It happens in the process of tax payment.
Almost and by sheer coincidence, the four greatest express deliveries important leader keyed up the fuel surcharge again.
The tax authority noticed me that they would impose penalty and surcharge on my company, plus the payment of the tax overdue.
Most restaurants automatically add a 10% service charge to the bill, but the surcharge often ends up in the pocket of the owner.
The urban construction and maintenance tax and education surcharge will be extended from Chinese to foreign enterprises and citizens.
统一内外资企业和个人的城建税, 教育费附加等制度。
Failing to declare imported goods and pay the tobacco and alcohol tax and the Health and Welfare Surcharge at thetime of importation.
三国外进口之菸酒, 未申报缴纳菸酒税及菸品健康福利捐者。
Surcharge precompression combined with vertical drains Method has been proved to be a normal and effective way to improve soft clay ground.

单词 surcharge 释义

  • 单词释义:追加罚款;使…装载过多;使…负担过重;索高价  [更多..]



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