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单词 surprising 例句大全,用单词surprising造句:

The whole effect was surprising, and the audience broke into spontaneous applause.
整体效果出乎意料, 观众情不自禁得鼓起了掌。
It's not surprising that you all found it when you arrived in your bathrooms here.
你们能找到它一点也不奇怪 当你进入浴室的时候。
Perhaps more surprising is which brands carry the highest and lowest resale value.
And it's not surprising that religion, too, has been affected by this violent ethos.
He fell under the wheel of an automobile, but it was surprising that he has survived.
Xuewu at an early age, some arm strength, with arrows made false, surprising everyone.
自幼学武, 颇有臂力, 箭无虚发, 人皆称奇。
It is not surprising that dissimilar substances should sometimes assume the same form.
不同物质有时呈现相同的形状, 是不足为怪的。
Thus, it is not surprising that Hong Kong finally lays claim to Prof Cui's achievement.
因此, 香港最终能够造就出一个崔教授, 并不稀奇。
Given this, it's not really surprising that somebody has decided they might be addictive.
这么一来, 有人认定它们有瘾性也就不足为怪。
Even five years ago an attendance of less than 35,000 would have been thought surprising.
It is surprising how soon historical personages became invested with romantic attributes.
So it will be surprising if the Obama administration manages to speak clearly on the issue.
所以, 如果奥巴马政府能够在此问题上言辞清晰, 那才是怪事。
It is not perhaps surprising that the administration now appears so indecisive and unfocused.
It might be surprising how many around the world know that today is Elvis Presley's birthday.
你可能会很惊讶, 这世界上有多少人知道今天是猫王的生日。
Hardly surprising, then, that researchers blame this sedentary lifestyle for our weight gain.
This is not surprising as the rural population has grown but the available farm acreage has not.
The actual practice of electrical precipitation involves a surprising number of scientific disciplines.
ROMA fashion show at the Chic pavilion was a surprising mix of flannel, wedding suits, and beige day wear.
The surprising thing is that society smiles so benignly on the motorist and seems to condone his behavior.
At the moment, the decline of biological resources is surprising, the speed of extinct becomes faster and faster.
Face the reality that can't change, it is not at all surprising to shed silent tears, beat breast and stamp feet.
Most notable is the surprising diversity and eloquence of the debate among both academics and regular visitors alike.
Given the underlying demand for housing, it might seem surprising even to entertain the prospect of a bubble developing.
It was all the more surprising given the stellar performance two weeks ago of longerdated bond auctions, which can be tougher to sell.
It is not surprising then that the day they like most is Friday. Friday is the end of the workweek and it is the beginning of the weekend.

单词 surprising 释义

  • 单词释义:令人吃惊的;奇怪的  [更多..]



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