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单词 violin 例句大全,用单词violin造句:

No one may walk down the street carrying a paper bag containing a violin.
She is the baby of the bunch at just 15 years young and plays the violin.
Labradors violin, play the piano carefree boring, good weekend becomes weak!
The violin and HARP were a pleasing accompaniment to the voice of the singer.
The solo violin is accompanied by a harp and other elements of the orchestra.
The bidding was fast and furious and that violin sold for ten thousand dollars.
Just as he finished the first few bars, one of the strings on his violin broke.
Occasionally, two other musicians would accompany her, playing violin and flute.
The string instruments mainly are the violin, the viola, the cello and the bass.
弦乐器主要有小提琴, 中提琴, 大提琴和低音提琴。
Attune yourself almost in the same manner as you would tune a violin for harmony.
Larghetto and Allegro. Arrangements and Transcriptions. Violin and Piano. Classical.
Benny was such a good violin player that, for a time, he wanted to become a musician.
Meanwhile the conductor lifted his violin bow and the orchestra attacked the overture.
In Shanghai, he practiced Bach and Mozart on the violin to the sound of artillery fire.
From attached high school of Sichuan music institute, studying Clarinet and like violin.
来自四川音乐学院附中, 学习单簧管演奏。爱好小提琴。
Double bass strings are much more expensive than guitar, electric bass, or violin strings.
The violinist brought the house down with his performance of the Beethoven violin concerto.
It may seem a simple affair to play upon a violin; yet what a long and laborious practice it requires!
The modern violin and bow have evolved over the years to meet the demands of changes in classical music.
While in school, Benny got a job as a violin player with the Barrison Theater, the local vaudeville house.
学生时代, 本尼得到了一份在巴里逊剧院做小提琴手的工作。
Among many instruments that arrived in Europe through the Middle East is the lute , an ancestor of the violin.
从中东传入欧洲的乐器中, 鲁特琴成为小提琴的始祖。
Your mother wants youto study the violin. Cello are boring, you say, and definitely not cool. Then you hearBond.
First, each must be equipped with the appropriate piano violin case, and the better the quality should be appropriate.
Our Factory is an upscale violin bow in the profession creation with the bass and fiddlestick fittings business enterprise.
The part calls for a solo violin, two oboes, two flutes, one English horn, Eflat clarinet, bass clarinet, bassoon, contrabassoon, horn, percussion, two harps and strings.
一如事物发展的规律有开始, 有高潮, 也有结尾。

单词 violin 释义

  • 单词释义:小提琴;小提琴手  [更多..]



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