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单词 violate 例句大全,用单词violate造句:

Also does not violate the share reform the principle, also does not violate the relevant law.
Such practices seriously violate the rights of the defence and thus the rights of the accused.
Complement at the same time the new evidence that provided the accused to violate antitrust law.
Be in the United States, announce disloyal figure of the family, belong to violate privacy right.
The 53 rd minute,approved the Bro tower interception to violate a regulation,has the yellow card.
Those who violate the order should be severely punished and all who carry it out amply encouraged.
If any agencies were to violate the law again, they could be liable for up to three years in prison.
如果触犯刑法, 最高刑罚也可处三年以下有期徒刑。
I have a proof that there are electrodynamic phenomena which violate the law of energy conservation.
Taking charge of the handling of those who violate the contracts and for the consequent compensations.
That internationally isolated regime continues to violate international covenants and international law.
Judicial and administrative sanctions with regard to exporters who violate the national monitoring regime
The existence of white holes is hypothetical, as they appear to violate the second law of thermodynamics.
Commentators have said that the tax would violate the freedom of movement. We do not agree with this view.
The Ministry of Construction has ordered that all the projects which violate rules should stop construction.
And this, in turn, appears to violate one of the most sacred canons of the classical theory of modernisation.
Superintend without the basis but abide, hit for the enterprise edge ball stayed to violate compasses airspace.
Engage in other behaviors that violate laws, administrative regulations and rules governing business management.
We strongly condemn those Israeli actions, which violate the Geneva Conventions and are a violation of holy sites.
They may not publish, broadcast, install or post any advertisements which violate the provisions of these Regulations.
In case direct sellers violate related rules of Regulations on Forbidding Pyramid Selling, their applications will not be accepted.
直销员违反禁止传销条例有关规定的, 其申请不予受理。
5 Criticize, impeach and accuse the practices that violate occupationaldiseaseprevention laws and regulations and harm human health
For those who violate the criminal law, the judicial authority shall investigate and affix the criminal responsibility according to law.
触犯刑律得, 依法追究刑事责任。
They have the right to stop acts that violate the labour discipline and the laws and regulations and order the parties concerned to correct.
Should one party violate this Contract, the other party shall have the right to claim indemnity according the provisions specified in this Contract.
如一方违反本合同, 另一方有权按本合同规定索赔。
The critical moment, 6 Wang Xiao Li makes the match to violate a regulation and to hit 1 point success, stays in a brothel overnight the potential stably.

单词 violate 释义

  • 单词释义: 违反;侵犯,打搅;亵渎  [更多..]



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