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单词 victory 例句大全,用单词victory造句:

But Higgins started to find the feeling afterward, and gained the victory finally.
但随后希金斯开始找到感觉, 并最终取得胜利。
Thus, shortly alter the victory of the Allies, cooperation came to an abrupt stop.
因此战争胜利后, 双方的核合作很快中止。
Why don't we learn this lesson and achieve victory more often in daily experience ?
我们为何不紧记这功课, 在每天的生活中经历更多的得胜呢
The unexpected victory heralded a new period of stability for Athens and her allies.
The victory of the advocators of gold led to the enacting of the Currency Act of1900.
Which would you rather have, an academic, theatrical victory or a persons good will
Accept the challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory. G.S.Patton, Sr.
接受挑战吧, 如此你才能体会到胜利的喜悦。
They conceded that victory was no longer attainable and agreed to a negotiated surrender.
他们承认无法获胜, 并同意谈判投降。
All this talk about a victory by the Central Army is just a rumour put about by the bulls.
什么胜仗, 是多头方面造谣。
Yet swamping Afghanistan with foreign soldiers will never bring outright military victory.
But in most cases it is absolute superiority and inferiority that decide victory and defeat.
Accordingly, it is believed that the rye cultivar, Victory, is a translocation heterozygote.
He led the troops and scored one victory after another, having glorious achievements in war.
The triumphant orchestration inthe forth movement concludes the symphony in absolute victory.
Defending champions Egypt came from behind seal a fine victory over the Africa Cup of Nations.
非洲杯足球赛上, 卫冕冠军埃及队后来居上, 完胜尼日利亚。
To see victory only when it is within the ken of the common herd is not the acme of excellence.
见胜不过众人之所知, 非善之善者也。
The National Spirit is Motive Power of Victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan Aggression
The general always gets credit for his army's victory; the agreement was a triumph for common sense.
After travelling across mountains and rivers, the expeditionary army finally achieved a great victory.
In return I send you a kaff is of mustard seed, that you may taste and acknowledged the bitterness of my victory.
作为回馈, 我送你芥菜籽, 你会尝到到败仗的苦果。
The victory of the Corleone Family was complete. The captain of the winning team got all the glory for the victory.
When you engage in actual fighting, if victory is long in coming, then mens weapons will grow dull and their ardor will be damped.
A Summary Of The Academic Conference Of The 75th Anniversary Of The Great Victory In The Bridges Of Dingsi And Hesheng And The Northern Expedition
Musharrafs resignation, announced in a national television address Monday, marks a victory for the governing coalition of his political opponents that was preparing to impeach him.
Thus it is that in war the victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory.

单词 victory 释义



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