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单词 versed 例句大全,用单词versed造句:

She was well-versed in the ways of the world before she had taken the veil.
Be versed in use of power designer, TOAD, PLSQL, VSS, visio, and other aids.
Near China's northern borders lived a man well versed in the practices of Taoism.
A family so cultured and versed in etiquette knows the importance of a good upbringing
这样诗礼之家, 岂有不善教育之理
He was well versed in Judaism and in the Mithraism and Alexandrian religion of the day.
Our dedicated scientists are well versed in solid phase peptide synthesis and purification.
He was not only versed in the art of war but was also good at riding horses and shooting arrows.
On the Narrative Functions of Versed Prose and the Participation of the Prose Writers in the Event
The building is versed in sad wail a long time, gradually voice is small, give out happy laugh.
Every gentile nation had its own sybil versed in this science, and we find mention of twelve of them.
Be well versed in the current wave of Microsoft developer technologies, industry trends, and competition
When asked why he was so competent in English, he revealed that he was well versed in Chinese literature.
细问原委, 答案是他有很深的国学基矗
if ab extra wu is versed in , personnel buys insurance not to have this limitation more for its by employer.
He has been cultivating himself according to the religious doctrine for many years, and is well versed in Sanzang.
他修行多年, 精通三藏佛法。
Zhou Yu is a general who was well versed in both polite letters, and martial arts during the Three Kingdoms period.
According to scholastic research, clear acting furniture is versed in at using tenon, do not beg exterior adornment.
Determination of inorganic mercury and organomercury in wastewater by re versed phase high performance liquid chromatography
Versed in embroidery and accomplished in painting, she has accumulated substantial and mature experiences over the course of more than forty years.

单词 versed 释义



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