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单词 vertebrae 例句大全,用单词vertebrae造句:

At the experimental group, discs were harvested from the caudal vertebrae and placed subcutaneously in the epidural.
Observation on the Therapeutic Effect on Cervical Vertebrae Radian Corrected by Traction combined with Manipulations
The team found that the key appears to be joints in the bony vertebrae that wrap protectively around the spinal cord.
Observation on Proteoglycans in Rat's Cervical Intervertebral Disc after Dynamic Dysequilibrium of Cervical Vertebrae
An experimental study on function of posterior inferior lobe of cerebellum after ligation of vertebrae artery bilaterally
The direction of the force to act on cervical vertebrae is the difference, the therapeutic effect is the difference, too.
在牵引中因颈椎受力方位不同, 其治疗效果亦不同。
Objective To observe clinical curative effect of manipulation to treat facet joint function disorder of thoracic vertebrae.
Empirical and Clinical Study on the Animal Model of Gastric Abscess Caused by Displacement of Thoracic Vertebrae Facet Joints.
The trial will enroll patients with injury to the thoracic region, high in the spinal cord between the third and tenth vertebrae.
Preoperative application of intravascular embolization through vertebral artery in cervical tumor of transverse process of vertebrae
The clinical outcome of the long term compression of the nerve root or cauda equina causing by the fracture of lower lumbar vertebrae
Control of haemorrhage during the tumor resection operation of the pelvis or lower lumbar vertebrae by temporary balloon occlusion of the abdominal aorta
Treatment of spinal canal stenosis with the spine canaloplasty that the pedunculated laminotomy and the lamina arcus vertebrae was regrafted to the sectioned former location

单词 vertebrae 释义

  • 单词释义:椎骨;<解>椎骨,脊椎( vertebra的名词复数 )  [更多..]



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