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单词 vanguard 例句大全,用单词vanguard造句:

It abuts the Tropic of Cancer, constituted the Polynesia archipelago north vanguard.
Vanguard Role of the Communists among Students in Construction of College Atmosphere
Here we highlight two efforts that are in the vanguard of empowering women in Africa.
在此, 我们重点介绍在非洲率先向妇女赋权的两个实例。
Also one week, Manchester United vanguard Looney will then welcome his 23rd birthday.
Cloudy and the light is twin brothers, cloudy is similarly by the light speed vanguard.
阴与光是孪生兄弟, 阴同样是以光的速度前行。
Bulow had not moved, in fact. His vanguard was very feeble, and could accomplish nothing.
Looked that sea, the sunrise, the attractive book, the attractive vanguard's place likes.
Mr. Bogle is the founder and former chief executive of the Vanguard Group of Mutual Funds.
Chopin was at the vanguard of Romantic music, but his own musical tastes were conservative.
Deliver Father Gustavs Report to Highlord Tirion Fordring at the Argent Vanguard in Icecrown.
Endeavors to strengthen the Partys governance capability and vanguard nature were intensified.
Does small vanguard require street corner basketball to need to learn add supplemental a basket?
Vanguard Class submarines routinely spend weeks time underwater on patrol in the North Atlantic.
Britains Sun newspaper reported the Vanguard returned with dents and scrapes visible on its hull.
Nigeria believes that the United Nations must lead the way and be in the vanguard of this effort.
Since then, forces emergency evacuation of the spacecraft, leaving the vanguard in the Blue Star.
Commander in Chief confidence Man Manbing said that Durante will return the young vanguard position.
The dinner was at Cascata Cafe Italiano off NYU, the Jazz is still at the Village Vanguard, with Dr.
早上本来想去现代艺术博物馆, 但是天太冷, 没有勇气。
On the construction of the party's advanced level and the exemplary vanguard role of the party members
The 89th minute, Angolan nationality vanguard Johannsen scores the counterultra goal for Team Shenzhen.
第89分钟, 安哥拉籍前锋约翰森为深圳队打进反超一球。
More than a million blind warriors form the vanguard of the forest following their noses to their prey.
Consults your toast, for people vanguard The toiling unflaggingly day and night, the principle is from.
咨尔多士, 为民前锋夙夜匪懈, 主义是从。
Beinitesi discharges 442 lineups,storehouse Iraq especially with Loby the Kean group doubling vanguard.
The latter half, the Iraqi cloth secondary attack substitutes vanguard Kruse to infiltrate sends wins a ball.
下半时, 伊布助攻替补前锋克鲁斯打入致胜一球。
Probe to the Systematology of the exemplary vanguard role of the Student Communists in Colleges and Universities

单词 vanguard 释义

  • 单词释义:先锋,前锋;先驱,领导者  [更多..]



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