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单词 vantage 例句大全,用单词vantage造句:

Related international chain brand hotel working experience is an vantage.
No better vantage point to witness his whims, tantrums and other foibles.
No pleasure is comparable to the standing upon the vantage ground of truth.
Arrive before the crowds of spectators and determine the best vantage point.
I quite agree that from your vantage point his action must have seemed unwise.
On account of his more elevated position, the general had the enemy at vantage.
因为处于较高的位置, 那位将军占敌人的上风。
The conservation law provides a perspective from the vantage point of experiment.
From this distant vantage point, the Earth might not seem of particular interest.
These undulations are easiest to understand from the vantage point of the satellite.
The enemys army retreated about 50odd miles, which made our army gain vantage ground.
敌军的部队后撤了50余里, 使我军获得了有利地形。
From the same vantage point, the consequences of that failure are also easily visible.
从同样的位置望去, 防波堤倒塌的后果也清晰可见。
The enemy's army retreated about 50-odd miles, which made our army gain vantage ground.
From the vantage point of the present, it may seem that technologies are deterministic.
从目前的有利情况, 看起来技术好像是确定的。
Innumerable cameras are fighting for a vantage point to shoot the moment a goal is scored.
Firstly, my performance in Vantage was not good, so I was afraid I could not pass the Higher.
But it has ad vantage over ARI in horizontal well logg ing because it is much shorter than ARI.
Its South Bund vantage point affords unparalleled view of the West and East sides of the Huang Pu River.
These are the kinds of questions to ask yourself while scouting for the right vantage point and composition before shooting.
TeeHeeOh, the another artefact is twice as simple. You meet follow your assistance in its representative and vantage its set out.
Using their points of vantage, the defending troops, numbering less than one battalion, fought back, routed the enemy and saved the base.
我守军不足一营, 凭险抵抗, 将敌击溃, 保存了这个根据地。

单词 vantage 释义

  • 单词释义:n.优势,有利情况  [更多..]



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