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单词 vassal 例句大全,用单词vassal造句:

A monetary payment to a feudal lord by a vassal in medieval England
在中世纪英国, 封臣向领主缴纳的贡金
A monetary payment to a feudal lord by a vassal in medieval England.
贡金在中世纪英国, 封臣向领主缴纳的贡金
Italy, like Greece today, would become an economic vassal of Germany.
Analysis on the Position of Myanmar as a Vassal State in Qing Dynasty.
Treatment of Vassal Dementia by Stimulating Cerebellum with Electricity
The lord in return owed his vassal protection and an assured livelihood.
Parliament can not play its due role, and become vassal government agencies.
议会并不能发挥它应有的功能, 而成为政府的附庸机构。
Explanation to Memorial Tablet of Eunuchs of Shu Vassal State of Ming Dynasty
The Difference of the Slave in the Qin Dynasty and the Vassal in the Tang Dynasty
Migration of each vassal state capital, Fiefdoms land packets Territorial Change.
Of, relating to, or characteristic of the feudal relationship between vassal and lord.
The following year, the six countries entered into a vassal of the Union combined vertical.
The vassal owed the lord fidelity, obedience and aid, especially in the form of military service.
所欠的附庸主忠诚, 服从和援助, 特别是在形式的军事服务。
Forensic Pathological Analysis on Death of Cerebral Hemorrhage due to Malformation of Blood Vassal
Literary Creation in Vassal States of Early Han Dynasty and Changes in their Owners'Literary Ideas.
Discussion on Determination Standard Between Dependent Country and Vassal State Among Tributary System
Vassal knights who owe service to the Principality of Antioch, equipped with sword and wearing mail armour.
Shalmaneser king of Assyria came up to attack Hoshea, who had been Shalmanesers vassal and had paid him tribute.
亚述王撒缦以色上来攻击何细亚, 何细亚就服事他, 给他进贡。
They were just free themselves from the subsidiary of the politics and became the vassal of the business consumer.
人只是从政治的附属中解脱出来, 而成为商业消费的附庸。
The reasons for the Song court to take the Dali Kingdom as its vassal state and its policy of control through conciliation
Can foreknow, the good fun of vassal contend for hegemony still is in domain of electronic business affairs from the back.
The vassal states under the Zhou Dynasty in the northern parts of the country each built their own walls for defence purposes.

单词 vassal 释义

  • 单词释义:奴仆;<史>(封建时代)诸侯;从属者;下属  [更多..]



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