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单词 vase 例句大全,用单词vase造句:

I want to make amends to my friend for breaking her precious vase.
I wanted to make amends for breaking your vase. I'm sorry I did it.
So I questioned Li andin the end, he admitted stealing his own vase.
所以我盘问李先生, 最后他终于承认是他自己偷了他的瓷瓶。
So I questioned Li and, in the end, he admitted stealing his own vase.
所以我盘问了李, 最后, 他承认是他自己偷了花瓶。
An early vase painting shows four athletes bathing outside a gymnasium
But artistic ceramics including vase, sculpture. Arrangement and so on.
I broke a vase and my wife made me wear sackcloth and ashes for a week!
Linda caught up the vase and threw it out of the window because of anger.
琳达非常生气, 突然抓起花瓶扔到窗外。
This vase would fetch a handsome price if you were to sell it at auction.
如果你把这只花瓶拿去拍卖, 它一定会拍到很高的价。
I can assure you, this is the best price you can get for a vase like this.
The archaeologist reconstructed the broken ancient vase from its fragments.
The vase is in excellent condition except for a few small flaws in its base.
I questioned Li and. in the end. he admitted pretending to steal his own vase.
The Plum in the Golden Vase was known as a pornographic book in ancient China.
She accidentally knocked the vase off the coffee table and it broke on the rug.
她不小心把咖啡桌上的花瓶撞倒了, 花瓶摔碎在地毯上。
According to rough estimation, the porcelain vase is worth over a million yuan.
据粗估, 这具瓷瓶价值逾百万元。
Set the vase where you want it and arrange the autumn leaves around the bottom.
把花瓶摆到你喜欢的地方, 在底部放一些叶子。
The vase that resembles aureate handle, wall lamp wearing, blue and tea service.
What a fool she was to bargain away her best vase for this worthless tablecloth!
Yes, Id like a china vase, and preferably something with a creamy white background.
Please take a look at my most recent acquistion, an antique vase from the Qing dynasty.
A blue overlay white glass covered vase with pine, bamboo and plum design, Qing Dynasty.
Draw some pictures on the enamelware mould and bake it, then a beautiful vase will appear.
The utility model discloses a flower vase type combined dress holder, belonging to furniture.
The person paying tribute to the emperor holds the jade flower vase carefully, fearing to accidentally break it.

单词 vase 释义



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