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单词 venus 例句大全,用单词venus造句:

But theres a weakness Venus in the 8th is not connected to the Ascendant.
而其缺陷在于金星位于此位置, 则无法与上升点相连接。
Venus is at the pinnacle of brilliancy for this current evening apparition.
They are already discovering how to colonise Venus and to irrigate the moon.
Of course on April 15, Venus and Mercury were joined by a young crescent Moon.
In ancient Rome, green was the colour of Venus, the goddess of beauty and love.
This light bends sharply due to the gravity of Venus thus turning toward Earth.
Venus, a symbol of the confusion in the hope to lead the direction of the sign.
启明星, 象征着迷茫中的希望, 引领方向的的标志。
Pointe Venus Lighthouse.Black sand beach and clear blue water by a fishing reef.
Venus Allied with Taurus, the planet of love becomes passionate and intransigent.
金星与金牛宫结盟, 主宰爱情的行星使人充满热情和不妥协。
Venus in the ninth house can signify love as an agent of consciousness expansion.
Tennis has Venus and Serena Williams and Andrew Agasi, the darlings of the courts.
Paris was given the task of deciding. He decided to give the golden apple to Venus.
帕里斯负责确定最终人选, 他决定将金苹果授予维纳斯。
The previous Venus flyby happened when Venus was in superior conjunction with the sun.
Venus is standing in the centre of the picture, set slightly back from the other figures.
Back on Venus, everyone automatically gives support, so there was no reason to ask for it.
在金星上, 每个人都主动给与支持, 她们不必找理由要求
Fortunately you can't go wrong as Venus and Mercury meet in your sector of communications.
Both Venus and Mars continue to be in Aries giving you a juxtaposition of opposing influences.
Other card manufacturers emphasized Cupid, the pudgy, winged son of Venus, the goddess of love.
The spires that appear to emanate from Venus are diffraction spikes caused by the camera itself.
The trine from Venus to Mars shows that you are especially warm, affectionate, and congenial.
Venus has a surface that is 90% basalt, indicating volcanism played a major role in shaping its surface.
No moon would be visible ever, not because of the constant cloud cover, but because Venus has no companion.
在那里看不到月亮, 并不是因为金星没有同伴。
Schumacher also said he will now be choosing the venus for his postprofessional racing exploits more carefully.
and Venus was on the point of carrying it off, that is to say, without allegory, of marrying monsieur the dauphin,.
The sextile of Venus and Uranus in the composite chart indicates a relationship that is very free and open in its expression.

单词 venus 释义



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