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单词 variant 例句大全,用单词variant造句:

Controllable Pitch Propeller Control Based on Qualitative Reasoning of Variant Dimension Cloud Model
The paper says at least 10 people have been killed by a variant of the strain known as adenovirus 14.
These soldiers are lightly armoured and carry the caliver firearm, a lighter variant of the arquebus.
这些部队轻装上阵, 使用轻型火绳枪进行作战。
Variant Stereociliary Bundles of Cochlear Out Hair Cells and Their Relationship With Auditory Function
Prognosis and analysis of the characteristics of angina attack in patients with variant angina pectoris
Clinical evaluation of mummification of dental pulp through variant cervical dental cavity in the elderly
The type of appropriate reconstruction of variant hepatic arteries is dependent upon hepatic artery anatomy.
Furthermore, the available space and the budgeted costs are considered as well in the choice of the variant.
此外, 选择种类时还要考虑所具备的场地供应以及经费。
The dish contains a variant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, known in culinary circles as bakers or brewers yeast.
Researchers found that this genetic variant was associated with a significant decrease in willingness to share.
An experimental study on variant herbae artemisiae capillariae decoction for treatment of bile pigment calculus
Transcriptional activation activity of variant was evaluated through methods of relative activity of luciferase.
Implementation of the Optimization Supervisory Control System in the Boiler Running under Variant Work Condition
Anyone who has relied on metrics for customer acquisition will be familiar with some variant of the funnel above.
If heterozygotes and homozygotes for the variant allele have the same phenotype, the disorder is a pure dominant.
若杂合子和纯合子的表型相同, 则为完全显性。
On Representative Variant of Beijing Mandarin Dialect in North Xinjiang Area, Main Branch of Xinjiang Han Dialect
On Representative Variant of Central China Mandarin Dialect in South Xinjiang Area, Main Branch of Xinjiang Han Dialect
and how the steps of thinking are affected by lots of interesting variables and variant people, as we'll see in a minute.
和哪些有趣變因會影響思考深度 這部份我們等下就會看到
Deciphering the Inscriptions on the bronze ware with the help of their variant forms is a method worthy of our attention.
Study on the variant Relationship between genetic polymorphism and Chromatographic Fingerprints of volatile oil to Herba Houttuyniae
While reading ancient books, we should be able to identify variant words, otherwise our understanding of the content will be affected.
Because patients with a particular genetic variant might not respond well to that drug. Another example is the antibiotic floxacillin.
Analysis of variant facors in affecting postoperative prognosis of patients with hypertension brain hemorrhage in basal ganglion region
There the 38-year-old programmer has created an effortless moneymaking scheme selling a variant of the 'domain names' that organize the Web's millions of addresses.
The problem of ancient characters capable of replacing each other investigated in the light of variant forms of Chinese characters found from inscriptions on bamboo or silk slips

单词 variant 释义

  • 单词释义:(词等的)变体,(字音的)转讹;[生]变种,变异体;变形,变量,转化;[统]变式  [更多..]



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