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单词 veiled 例句大全,用单词veiled造句:

The mountains beyond are veiled in a dreamy purple haze.
Yun Shouping also had a line in veiled political comment.
That was a veiled reference to the fever, and Nora paled.
The moon has veiled its face, beholding this Sea of Beauty.
月亮已经把脸遮盖, 看着这个美丽得海洋。
Italy made a barely veiled threat along these lines this week.
In Christ, God veiled His deity to serve and to save humanity.
在基督里, 上帝隐去祂的神性, 来拯救人类。
This coincided with a black cloud which suddenly veiled the sun.
Some people veiled their crafty nature under the mask of loyalty.
有些人在忠诚得外表下 掩藏着奸诈得本性。
I feel the sigh of this widowed evening veiled with mist and rain.
Nudity veiled by clothing functions as a secret, ambivalent referent.
Bam!Out of the tube with previous memories veiled and into the light.
Why should I be like a veiled woman beside the flocks of your friends
我何必在你同伴的羊群旁边, 好像蒙着脸的人呢
This is not love, but the dance of dominion and ownership veiled as love.
This Level 170 dungeon is accessible from the center of the Veiled Island.
Eventually stories arose which explained or veiled the mysteries of the rites.
Eventually stories arose which explained or veiled the mysteries of the rites.
For why should I be like one who is veiled Beside the flocks of your companions
我何必在你众同伴的羊群旁边, 好像蒙着脸的人呢
It reportedly contained thinly veiled references to Malone and members of her family.
Much have we loved you, but speechless was our love, and with weils has it been veiled.
The fields on either bank seemed veiled in a thin grey haze as they slept in the moonlight.
The west is veiled in rain, the east enjoys sunshine. My gallant is as deep in love as day is fine.
东边日出西边雨, 道是无情却有请。
Should he present himself there, as though he had a right, and should he seat himself, veiled, at that luminous fireside
他是否感到有权进去, 并且戴着面罩, 坐在这个光明的家庭里?

单词 veiled 释义

  • 单词释义:隐藏的;掩饰的;蒙着面纱的;声音哑的  [更多..]



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