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单词 united 例句大全,用单词united造句:

Neither the United States nor the United Nations can put the genie back in the bottle.
France, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America
And it's the new century now. Health is getting better, United Kingdom, United States.
新世界到了。英美两国的国民 身体素质更加强化了。
In the United States, fifty individual states are united under the federal government.
在美国, 五十个州统一于联邦政府领导之下。
The survival of the United States depends on the ability to find new sources of energy.
The event was held in the United Nations Conference Room2, New York, the United States.
This factory Yu Ying Yi huan, the abundance of water birds the United States, Renjiedeling.
The fresh water with the biggest crop of abalone department United States is high grade fish.
There is a historic explanation for the abysmal state of Chinese cuisine in the United States.
I think is the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America.
这是美国国家科学院院刊 的缩写。
Moreover, United States law prohibits United States persons from exporting to Iran such items.
In other words, the United States could not be absolutely impartial in these new circumstances.
If so, the United States would become the latest country to jump aboard the happiness bandwagon.
一旦实现, 美国将成为引领幸福感潮流的国家。
The United Kingdom, the United States, Canada and Germany, in particular, have been forthcoming.
One is that the they have underestimated the ability of the United States to guard their secrets.
其一, 过低估计了美国自己的保密能力。
Background Microwave ablation is a new treatment modality for hepatic tumors in the United States.
He holds many honorary degrees from universities in the United Kingdom, United States, and Europe.
卡罗被授予英国, 美国和欧洲许多大学的荣誉学位。
Ms. Rice said disrespect for the Koran is abhorrent, and will not be tolerated by the United States.
Economic Analysis of the Academic Books and Periodicals in University Libraries of the United States
It is to the credit of the United States and others that they laid the basis for the United Nations.
Hong Xiaowen holds the post of senior at joining headquarters of Microsoft academy United States 1995.
Australia also reported having seized cocaine originating in the United States and the United Kingdom.
France, Poland and the United Kingdom reported having seized amphetamine intended for the United States.
She was the first woman to be elected as a Fellowof the Academy of Arts and Sciences of the United States.
I wish to reaffirm Nauru's commitment and abiding faith in the ideals and objectives of the United Nations.

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