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单词 universal 例句大全,用单词universal造句:

I am referring to our efforts to promote the universal abolition of the death penalty.
law or force is to be used for nothing except the administration of universal justice.
The law of universal gravitation helps us predict accurately the orbit of a spacecraft.
Pronunciation and Acceptation of Animal Nouns in Universal Vocabulary of Zhuang Language
The international community has adopted the target of universal primary education by2015.
Study of Importance of Universal Access to Knowledge of Corrosion and Protection of Metals
However, three African countries have achieved universal access to antiretroviral treatment.
但是, 三个非洲国家已实现抗逆转录病毒疗法的普及。
That same year, Vivendi launched an audacious 32bn acquisition of Universal Music of the US.
Modern evolutionary theory has demanded and received almost universal acceptance in the world.
Aesthetic ability is artistic universal perception superior to sensibility and intellectuality.
The Universal Declaration acknowledged the relationship between peace, democracy and development.
The President shall be elected by universal, direct and secret ballot, in accordance with the law.
These generally reflect the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by this Assembly in1948.
Objective To establish a universal analysis method for identification of adulteration in sesame oil.
The House of Common is elected by universal adult suffrage and consists of 651 Members of Parliament.
下议院由成人普选产生, 由651名议员组成。
In the education sector, universal access has already been achieved at the primary and secondary levels.
在教育部门, 已实现初级和中级教育的普及。
The goal is to achieve universal access to safe drinking water and to sanitary means of excreta disposal.
And he is adamant that businesses can achieve universal appeal without sacrificing their cultural heritage.
他坚信, 企业可以不牺牲其文化传统将业务推广到全球。
abstract Timing of acupuncture is one of the five key universal factors in acupuncture treatment prescription.
With the football academy being attended by players from all over the world, the universal language will be English.
Calligraphy of universal basic education, while raising additional calligraphy classes and creative writing workshops.
在普及书法基础教育的同时, 增设书法提高班和创作班。
To achieve the ultimate goal of universal suffrage, the first step will be for the Legislative Council to pass our proposals.
我们要迈向普选, 立法会通过政改方案是第一步。
The key factor behind these two accomplishments has been Taiwans universal education and the consequent betterment of its citizens.
Another opinion holds that a transitional phase shall be introduced before the actual implementation of universal suffrage in 2017.
又有意见认为应该要先经过一个过度期, 再系2017年达至普选
The establishment of the telecommunications universal service and telecommunications low economic contribution of the coordinated development of universal service and economic analysis model.

单词 universal 释义

  • 单词释义:普遍(存在)的,全体的;宇宙的,全世界的  [更多..]



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