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单词 unimportant 例句大全,用单词unimportant造句:

Any views are unimportant, if they are held about women by a man past forty.
大凡由年逾四十的汉子对女子持有意见, 均属无关重要。
To surpass the deeds of others is unimportant to surpass my own deeds is all.
超越别人并不重要, 超越自己才是最重要的。
One feeling too falsely disdain'd It showed that I was young and unimportant.
有种感情常被假意看轻, 那意思是说我太年轻, 无足轻重。
He was splitting hairs as he was trying to find fault with unimportant details.
This apparently unimportant event had immense repercussions throughout the world.
But she ignored all that unimportant trivia, because the Beast had a loving heart!
Lubeck was a small, unimportant trading village on the Baltic Sea. It had no army.
Many great men were once poor, unimportant boys. Great oaks form little acorn grow.
All the unimportant details had been deleted by the professor from Mary's term paper.
How can we overlook the matters of eating and drinking and think they are unimportant ?
岂能以为是饮食小事, 率而轻忽了它呢
Such literature is unimportant and need not to be kept with the records of the agreement.
这种文献并不重要, 无须对合约进行记录。
Helen's head is cluttered up with unimportant details, so that she often misses the point.
Creativity has been as relatively unimportant to business schools as it has to other organisations.
All of the events that had accumulated and contributed to my bad mood were, in reality, unimportant.
I have learned that when someone hurts your feelings, it's unimportant unless you persist in remembering it.
Rank the problems from important to unimportant, emergent to not emergent, then deal with each of them in turn.
As great oak trees grow form tiny acorns, so many great people or things grew from a small and unimportant beginning, so the patient.

单词 unimportant 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.不重要的,琐碎的  [更多..]



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