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单词 undeveloped 例句大全,用单词undeveloped造句:

The author described its postposition system and analyzed its undeveloped characteristic.
The undeveloped forms of the adult insect's antennae, legs and wings are embodied in the pupa.
Memories Undeveloped At the malls pet shop, open the hamster cage on the shelves near the counter.
胶卷, 打开银台附近架子上的仓鼠笼就能拿到, 见下图。
And the cutting plantation exhibited the characteristics of slow growth, undeveloped roots and weak ability of clonal propagation.
扦插苗人工林生长较慢, 根系不发达, 克隆繁殖能力弱
Each side of the spinal cord gray matter, the dorsal horn, and ventral horn are notablely developed, but lateral horn is undeveloped.

单词 undeveloped 释义

  • 单词释义:未充分发育的;未发展的;不发达的;尚未用于农业、工业、建筑业的  [更多..]



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