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单词 universe 例句大全,用单词universe造句:

its an alternate universe but come on trying to please everyone Marvel
它是从另外一个宇宙来的吧, 想使大家打动诧异吗?
The hypothesis holding that an immaterial force animates the universe.
The hypothesis holding that an immaterial force animates the universe.
Because our home is the universe, and we are the universe, essentially.
All of this is done under the aegis of the creator God of this universe.
Rises to soar between the universe, hidden, then ambush in mighty waves.
升则飞腾于宇宙之间, 隐则潜伏于波涛之内。
Life, a miracle in the universe, appeared around four billion years ago.
The universe is not required to be in perfect harmony with human ambition.
If that was the age of the universe, then this is the age of life on Earth.
如果这是 宇宙的年龄 那么这就是地球上生命的年龄
Because I helped discover the expansion rate of the universe was accelerating.
And yet, the universe is not a silent movie because the universe isn't silent.
Taoist Human Affinity with Nature and the Universe and Western Mankind Centrism
Are you aware that you are, perhaps, the most discussed animal in the universe?
and in particular, the amount of dark energy in each universe will be different.
特别是,每个宇宙的暗能量 将会不同。
By this time, the steady state theory of the universe had been largely abandoned.
到此时, 宇宙稳态论大半已被扬弃。
The great Architect of the Universe now begins to appear as a pure mathematician.
You are always projecting your signal, and the Universe is always responding to it.
你总是在发出你的信号, 宇宙总是在回应着你的信号。
Antimatter, which annihilates matter upon contact, seems to be rare in the universe.
If the universe is not a fluctuation, why did the early universe have a low entropy?
如果宇宙不是涨落 初期宇宙的熵值为什么那么小?
Born to be the King, he will absorb all the nuclear radiation, dominate the universe.
Absolute static state does not exist in the universe. The nature of money is motional.
The mathematics of quantum mechanics very accurately describes how our universe works.
量子力学通过数学方法准确描述 宇宙的运行模式
The most natural position to adopt is that a deterministic universe roles out free will.
The interior of the ball should not be regarded as part of the universe in this analogy.
In this parallel universe, consumer rights have acquired the status of a fascistic mantra.

单词 universe 释义



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