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单词 university 例句大全,用单词university造句:

She'd abandoned music and graduated from the University of Houston with a degree in business administration.
当时她已经放弃音乐梦想, 并从休士顿大学的企管系毕业了。
President of Peking University Xu Zhihong and president of Waseda University were presented at the ceremony.
The school emblem of university which comes from the coat of arms is the outcome of modern university system.
I was a child Aba, examinations of the Chengdu University of the Southwest University of Finance and Economics.
On Honest and Clean Culture Movement on University Campus and Honest and Clean Education for University Students
By the Shanghai Jiaotong University and Tongji University, masters and a group of young returnees constitute Dr.
Centre for Animal Biotechnology, University of Melbourne Centre for Animal Biotechnology, University of Melbourne
Loving School and University for Educating An Effective Impetus to Collectivism Education for University Students
Since then he abandon dream of entering university and came home in Shandong. Later I did never heard of him again.
Uses in the university, the specialized middle school and each kind of Correspondence university, the training class
It is requested that you permit me to change my destination from Roosevelt University to the University of Oklahoma.
It is Columbia tradition that the University Commencement address is always given by the President of the University.
An Inspiration Drawn from the Ancient Luoyang Imperial University to the Development of the Modern Luoyang University
Received Master of Business Administration from Stanford University and Bachelor of Law degree from the University of Tokyo.
Sichuan University and the southwest Jiaotong University, that school's correspondence specialized graduate student is good?
In addition, there is the open university offering fully recognized university degree programmes through distance education.
How many graduates have been admitted each year into Beijing University, Tsinghua University and Renmin University of China?
Research on influence of university teacher education model featured with selfish departmentalism on university P.E. In China
Beijing University of Chemical Technology University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Wuhan University of Technology
A Comparative Study of Documentation Classification in the Library of Nippon Sport Science University and Beijing Sport University
University of the Immaculate Conception Catholic university courses include computer engineering, pharmacy and medical technology.
天主教大学, 课程包括制药学, 医学技术, 计算机等。
Hunan University is a national key university, whose history can be traced back to Yuelu Academy established one thousand years ago.
The Strategy of Talents Make the University Strong is the Fundamental Guarantee for Building Central University for Nationalities into a Topmost One in the World
It may offer an interesting alternative to purely academic, university or college based courses.; They will serve him or her better in life than any merely academic knowledge.
It's not rare that some candidates for the university entrance examination get high marks but fail to be admitted to a university because they fill in the application form inappropriately.

单词 university 释义

  • 单词释义:综合性大学;大学人员;大学校舍  [更多..]



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