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单词 unexpectedly 例句大全,用单词unexpectedly造句:

We are empty of believe in unexpectedly an accident of flow to arrive Japan island.
But in December concerns over safety caused the new drug to be unexpectedly dropped.
They were attacked unexpectedly from both sides as soon as they landed at a beachhead.
One day, by reason of muddles along cheats, he becomes the glory unexpectedly partner!
一天, 凭着胡混蒙骗, 他竟成为荣的搭档!
Some of the breakthroughs you experience will come out of the blue, quite unexpectedly.
Unexpectedly a little while the bequest of uncle came, in one night, became millionaire.
不料一会儿叔父的遗产来了, 一夜之中, 成了百万富翁。
Especially takes over Asia peacefully beginning, has obtained four Lianping unexpectedly.
One of the most noticeable results was the unexpectedly high number of claims from women.
Unexpectedly the king armed forces recommended the stool to pound suddenly approached him.
However, three years after his death, All members of Huo family were butchered unexpectedly.
然而死后不足三年, 霍氏家族却罹灭族之祸。
When turning the bicycle in the yard, he unexpectedly turned into the border at the roadside.
Had not thought has the special smell the banana, the daughter unexpectedly that likes eating!
Starfish know oneself always aimed at the attacker, unexpectedly is relative, filled with remorse.
海星知道自己一直针对攻击的人, 竟是至亲, 后悔不已。
Last month Swedish sportscar maker Koenigsegg Group AB unexpectedly dropped a separate bid for Saab.
Afterwards he unexpectedly and unscrupulously kills Huo Hua virtuous and ruin corpse to put out a vestige.
Anguine grain also jumps sneaker face unexpectedly, also be in it seems that declare Xiaolong year advent.
In the evening that unexpectedly entire most beautiful military uniform beautiful woman fault hold spring!
The unexpectedly strong metal production growth was attributable to improved domestic concentrate availability.
国内铜精矿供给增加, 因此精铜产量意外增长。
Everyday in the evening, he turns over wall dibble, steal wantonly, in the home unexpectedly abundant also rise.
天天晚上, 他翻墙挖洞, 大肆盗窃, 家里居然也富足起来。
Becoming him to see what be bumped into clear is presidential gentleman unexpectedly when, apologize immediately.
当他看清了被撞的竟是总统先生的时候, 马上赔不是。
Unexpectedly one burst shot, the dark night knight was subjected to a daunt, fiercely reign I assault since then.
Then unexpectedly, the highlight of the day came, Master Ching Hai in a light and carefree dress, riding in a trishaw!
Take the Chibi War for an example, Shu, who asked for help at first, later unexpectedly became the backstage manipulator.
It is everybody did not think of only, this is warbler warbler and whole family bid farewell finally unexpectedly momently.
Tuesday and Wednesday are unexpectedly complicated days, and you get a bit disoriented in the maelstrom, but by Thursday youll be sailing toward smoother waters and clearer skies.
周二, 周三, 极其复杂的两天, 你在漩涡中几乎找不着方向了。

单词 unexpectedly 释义

  • 单词释义:未料到地,意外地;竟;居然;骤然  [更多..]



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