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单词 application form 例句大全,用单词application form造句:

Procedures to create a zigzag form , which modify the shape of a simple application form.
程序创建了字形窗体, 属于修改窗体形状的简单应用。
Application Form for International Qualification Examination for Acupuncture Practitioners
Please read the explanatory notes at the Appendix before completing this application form.
在填写本表格前, 必须先阅读载于附录的申请须知。
Complete the application form. Photocopy application forms as required. One for each course.
I hereby declare that the information provided in this application form is true and accurate.
Please download and complete the application form below in order to get the admission tickets.
Applicant should read through All the following points before filling in the application form.
申请人应细阅以下所有事项, 方才填写申请表格。
Would you please send me an application form and other materials necessary for my application ?
If the agency settles the payment from one account, just apply with one single Application Form.
Please print clearly in either English or Chinese and submit application Form to Admission Office.
After I've launched the application under test, I simulate a user manipulating the application form.
当启动待测试应用程序后, 我模拟用户操作应用程序窗体。
Please print clearly in either English or Chinese and submit the application form to Admission Office.
If additional application is needed, please photocopy this application form and submit it to the Bank.
如须递交更多申请, 请影印此申请表, 填妥后一并交予本行。
If the applicant is aged under 18, the application form must be completed by his her parent guardian.
The applicant should complete all sections of this application form in BLOCK letters and SIGN the form.
申请人应以正楷填写本申请表格各栏, 并在表格上签署。
All Shade boxes in the Application Form must be completed, otherwise this application is liable to be rejected.
必须填妥本申请表格内各栏, 否则有关申请将不获受理。
For married couple application, please complete separate application form and submit together at the same time.
夫妇联合申请, 请分别填写申请表并一并交回处理。
Certificates and detailed result transcripts of academic qualifications must be attached to the application form.
Where a compensation claimant really has difficulty in completing the application form, he may make an oral application.
Please send this application form with your Enrolment Application Form as early as possible to reserve your accommodation.
请把你的这个申请登记表, 申请表尽早预留你的住处。
When offering exemplary application form of administrative license, the administrative organ shall not charge anything for that.
行政机关提供行政许可申请书格式文本, 不得收费。
The Similar and Different to Contact the Number to Analysis Anti that Gather the Application form Couples in Athletics Statistics
The registered owner and a registered distributor if applicable should also declare to the Hong Kong Licensing Office on application form
If the addition or correction is made and the application form returned to the Trademark Bureau within the time limit, the date of application shall be maintained.
It's not rare that some candidates for the university entrance examination get high marks but fail to be admitted to a university because they fill in the application form inappropriately.
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单词 application form 释义

  • 单词释义:申请书,申请表,投保书;志愿书  [更多..]



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