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单词 appliance outlet 例句大全,用单词appliance outlet造句:

Do not place the appliance near gas outlet, electric burner, or heated oven.
Do not attempt to dislodge food when the appliance is plugged into electrical outlet.
According to the Soviet rather electric appliance outlet people in charge introduced.
At no point may the outlet hose be positioned higher than the bottom edge of the appliance.
Always disconnect the power cord from the electrical outlet before cleaning or maintaining your appliance.
清洁或维护本机前, 请拔掉电源。
The connection of the outlet hose to the siphon must not be directly behind the appliance and should be accessible.
该出口软管连接虹吸管不得直接背后的设备, 并应访问。
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单词 appliance outlet 释义

  • 单词释义:设备(电源)插口  [更多..]



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