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单词 aperture size 例句大全,用单词aperture size造句:

The size of aperture is in inflectional when increase, decrease when extend.
The thickness degree of the size of Hymen aperture and film has each different.
The orifice shape and aperture size is one vibration source on aerostatic bearing.
在空气静压导轨中, 节流孔形状和孔径大小是主要振源之一。
The reading aperture of a densitometer refers to the size ofthe spot it will measure.
The aperture size of a lens could be calculated from focal length and the correspondent fnumber.
The attention was focused on the effects of the aperture size, the cavity depth and the perforated plate thickness on the impedance of the liner.
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单词 aperture size 释义

  • 单词释义:孔径尺寸,筛孔度  [更多..]



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