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单词 April Fools' Day 例句大全,用单词April Fools' Day造句:

Actually I wanted to tell him that today was April Fools Day, but I could not say it out.
我想说今天是愚人节, 却一个字也没说出来。
April Fools'Day reigns as one of the world's most popular and enduring secular festivals.
One April Fools Day, a reporter in England announced that there would be no more spaghetti.
一个愚人节, 英国的一位记者宣称不再有通心粉了。
Even the media April fools Day occasionally try to deceive the public with a clever April Fool story.
In Scotland, April Fools Day is48 hours long and you are called an April Gowk, which is another name for a cuckoo bird.
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