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单词 all over 例句大全,用单词all over造句:

He rather overdid it last Saturday playing football, and now he's aching all over.
Dinosaurs were once all over the earth. Now they are gone. They have all died out.
恐龙曾遍布地球的每个角落, 现在他们没了, 全部都灭绝了。
Although you teach in the classroom, your achievements scatter all over the country.
All the companions all over the world are welcome to have further cooperation with us.
A curious deposit all over my snuffbox, evidently residue of moisture acting on lacquer.
Five days afterwards, the king felt his body aching all over. At once he sent for Bian Que.
Tremors of ecstasy move all over the body. You can see the waves passing all over the body.
The Putian Woodcarving is famous all over the world for its accurate and meticulous carving.
Moreover, the new magazine is basically all over again Nahuo discounted price of almost all.
而且, 基本上新杂志再各地拿货得折扣价都差不多。
In principle, the use of organs from living donors was generally accepted all over the world.
Manufacture and process all kinds of handbag products all the goods sales to all over Europe.
the police came and all of them back, the museum curator put clay all over the bones through,
Acid rain first appeared in industrialization Europe. Nowadays, acid rain appears all over the world.
The racoons knock over the rubbish bins in search of food, and strew the contents all over the ground.
Data fusion is one of the hot issues in the academic research of the military field all over the world.
To achieve the light weight automobiles, alloy structural material is applied first all over the world.
为了实现轿车的轻量化, 世界各国普遍采用铝合金结构材料。
Bestsellers in Southeast Asia and all over the country, and users access to a high degree of recognition.
畅销东南亚及全国各地, 并获得用户高度认同。
Shank sections for lathe and planer tools; machined all over, not required to meet special standards of accuracy.
The words just fell, but he suddenly forbade Luan all over,! This cause that forbids Luan is because of the ache!
Reports of ludicrously sexually aggressive dolphins attempting to rape human women abound from all over the globe.
A common festival for all football fans all over the world, the Football World Cup, is held once every four years.
With the football academy being attended by players from all over the world, the universal language will be English.
These standards may sound like instruments of accounting torture, but countries all over the world are embracing them.
Ku Bai was itching all over and the medicine Yi Hong had brought along was ineffective.All they could do was douse him with cold water.
There will be a countless number of Assyrian casualties, dead bodies without count. People are stumbling over dead people all over the city.
将会有数不清的伤亡人数, 人们都只能在死人堆里行走。
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单词 all over 释义

  • 单词释义:到处;历;周遍;浑身  [更多..]



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