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单词 a little 例句大全,用单词a little造句:

Acupuncture may cause a little pain and a certain feeling of numbness and distention.
In a minute he returned carrying a little black wand with a red berry on the top of it.
Rushing to the snowfield, little cookie wants to play with the snowman a little longer.
Give your plants a bath now and then with a soft cloth and a little soapy lukewarm water.
A little old woman with a wrinkled face as brown as a berry told us fortunes for ten pence.
Having waited a long time for the actors'drink break, the audience became a little impatient.
由于饮场时间太长, 观众们等得有点不耐烦了。
All of a sudden, I saw next to a little sister is also a strong complement to let Aunt teeth.
I am a light achromatopsia sufferer, and it is a little difficult for me to see the color red.
Having waited a long time for the actors' drink break, the audience became a little impatient.
You need to get there early, spend a little time with Mike before the little barracuda gets there.
The heated ion vibrates at a slightly different frequency, making the clock a little less accurate.
A little Bear is at his custody hearing. The judge asks the little bear whom he wants to live with.
Suddenly you become a more loving person, a more caring person. The world becomes a little brighter.
Acupuncture may cause a little pain, and it also causes a certain feeling of numbness and distention.
Acupuncture may cause a little pain, but it also causes a certain feeling of numbness and distention.
Now I realize that it is a little bit absurd to compare the behavioral repertoire of a human to a fly.
现在认识到它是有点荒谬 要比较人和苍蝇的行为
A little bear and a little cat bear met with each other in a forest when they went to travel in America.
小狗熊和小猫熊到美洲旅游时, 在一个森林里相遇了。
Acupuncture may cause just a little pain, but it also causes a certain feeling of numbness and distension.
Four ducks on a pond. A grass bark beyond. A blue sky of spring. White clouds on the wing. What a little thing.
add a little beer in a little coffee and sugar, drink up the bitter containing fragrance, taste and pleasant.
The abdomen that the cloud just detects when having a meal is a little protuberant, feel embarrassed however inquiry.
A few branches reached about a little disorderly at the side, I thought, and there was a big bare branch showing the middle.
His equipment consisted of a counting board, a Chinese writing brush, a little paper, some money and the accounts of his clients.
Because peasants had a little acknowledge of the new rural cooperative medical system and insufficient participation, they were still in a status of weak power.
Each song has a little liquid-crystal graphics display that accompanies it, and you can even edit those graphics using a program called Dance Producer that comes with the watch.
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单词 a little 释义

  • 单词释义:少量地,稍许地  [更多..]



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