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单词 altar table 例句大全,用单词altar table造句:

This done, all the men turned and stood facing the altar table.
I was sketching to show Xiao Yan what to get for my altar table.
A painted or carved screen placed above and behind an altar or communion table.
一个被着色的或被雕刻的屏风, 放在一个祭坛的上面或下面。
At first, the altar was a white stone table, with red glaze on its top, representing the sun.
The altar table in front of the Buddha is covered with fresh fruits and a pagoda-shaped cake.
Before the ancestral shrine, stood a rectangular altar table, covered with a red velvet cloth.
神龛下放着长方形的大供桌, 挂上了红绒桌帷。
And the table and all his vessels, and the candlestick and his vessels, and the altar of incense
The table and its articles, the pure gold lampstand and all its accessories, the altar of incense
What are the spiritual symbolic meanings of the ark, the table, the candlestick, and the incense altar?
After putting various offerings on the altar table, he kneeled down and began to offer sacrifices to the ancestors.
The saint dinner table substituted for the sacrificial altar, choir's position has been ordinary is meeting audiences'right hand side.
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