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单词 allow for 例句大全,用单词allow for造句:

Base addresses must be calculated to allow for these larger sizes.
Barons stables allow for the recruitment of capable cavalry units.
But charting and trendline drawing allow for a bit of wiggle room.
Engineering did not allow for much fluidity of identity to ascend.
This is for winter wear, so will you allow for woolies underneath.
这是冬天穿得, 里面要穿毛衣, 裁剪时请注意。
Whole grain carbohydrate sources to allow for stable energy levels.
全谷碳水化合物来源, 稳定供应身体能量水平。
She made the dress larger to allow for shrinking when it was washed.
她考虑衣服洗后会缩水, 把它做大些。
Allow for the clear out to extend to 2200 before looking for a base.
The lab has recently been updated to allow for more advanced courses.
When drawing up a plan, we should allow for unforeseen circumstances.
When making up this kind of material, you should allow for shrinkage.
When arranging our work, we should allow for unforeseen circumstances.
I hope to get more exercise, but my current job doesn't allow for this.
The leading edge slats allow for steep climb angles of up to 30degrees.
And remember, this dress style does not allow for tennis shoes or jeans.
再来一遍, 牛仔裤网球鞋在此不适用。
The regulation does not allow for any deviation from this effective date.
This must be easy to do and allow for multiple images to be uploaded also.
这一定是很容易做到, 并允许多个图像上载也。
This timetable is too inelastic.You must allow for possible modifications.
这个时间表太死了, 你总得留有余地吧。
It doesn't allow, for example, you to control the encoding of the source code.
She purposely made the dress larger to allow for shrinking when it was washed.
她故意把衣服做大一些, 以防洗时缩水。
Support lightweight programming models that allow for loosely coupled systems.
And the rules even allow for sunbathing, drinking alcohol and eating chocolate.
Neither allow for truly natural walking and immersion in a virtual environment.
Some dresses should be made larger to allow for shrinking when they are washed.
有些衣服该做大一些, 以防洗时缩水。
We have just be Inform by cable that transshipment shall be allow for this lot.
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单词 allow for 释义

  • 单词释义:考虑到; 体谅;允许有; 留出  [更多..]



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