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单词 align left 例句大全,用单词align left造句:

Align to left margin.
Align the right heel with the left heel.
You want to align strings left, right, or center.
你想把字符串排在左边, 右边, 中间。
Align your feet to the left of your target if you play right handed.
You can align post text now, instead of just Left, Right, and Center.
您可以对齐对齐后的文本现在, 而不是只左, 右, 中心。
If the align attribute is set to left the image floats to the left margin.
You can Justify align post text now, instead of just Left, Right, and Center.
你可以自圆其说, 使邮政现在的案文, 而不是只左, 右和中心。
Pictures and objects that are center and left align will become left aligned.
I give it a. 063 gray border with a white background and align the text to the left.
我使用。063的灰色边框和白色背景, 并将文本设为左对齐。
英文例句大全为您提供align left英文例句大全,align left英文造句,关于align left的英语句子,单词align left怎么造句,align left英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于align left,英语单词align left的句子,单词align left如何造句,align left怎么造句等。

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