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单词 Air Europe 例句大全,用单词Air Europe造句:

My sister got us air tickets to europe.
The air war over Europe was reaching its climax.
The huge rockets were fired into the air from a place in Europe.
Ash from the volcano disrupted air traffic in Europe for more than a month.
They are going to Europe for Christmas even though the air fares have gone up.
How often does that customer ship to Europe as well as Amserican by air weekly ?
It gave the Allies advanced air bases from which to bomb the Balkans and central Europe.
Sherer was coincidentally in Europe on an air refueling mission when Desert Shield began.
Europe, France, Air Show, France gives the impression of something very much in love that publicity.
欧洲, 法国, 航展, 法国的东西给人的感觉就是非常爱宣传自己。
Air France recently followed the British Airways lead in Europe by increasing its fuel surcharge on passenger fares.
在欧洲的做法, 提高了向乘客收取的燃油附加费。
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