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单词 air condition 例句大全,用单词air condition造句:

Foggy condition was favorable for occurrence of acid rainfall due a stable stratification and moist air.
Cause of air amount delivering apportion of air condition piping system inadequate to a bus is analyzed.
Every time before using the autoclave, make sure to check whether the air valve is in good condition or not.
Study on Evaluating Model of Shoot Ability for Ground to Air Missile under the Condition of the Electronic Interference
The hardware modulus and software design of the full automatic controller of air condition systems are also introduced.
With different characteristics of the two air masses collide with each other have a squall line is a necessary condition.
Selection and the analysis of the flow and lifts of parallel frozen water pump for the central air condition water system.
This paper analyses the advantages and the apply condition of the air heating stove used for the mine shaft cold prevention.
Aerodynamic Characteristics and Combustion Condition Improvement of an Air Distributor with Guide Plates in Fluidized Bed Boilers
An Experimental Study of Reducing Idle Condition Emissions for a Gasoline Engine By Using an Auxiliary Air Device and a Ultrasonic Atomizer
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单词 air condition 释义

  • 单词释义:空调,空气调节设备  [更多..]



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