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单词 stirrup 例句大全,用单词stirrup造句:

Shear behavior of reinforced concrete beam with highstrength stirrup under concentrated load
Limited Value of Axial Compression Ratio and Detailing Requirements for Stirrup of Special Shaped RC Column
Besides, increase of stirrup ratio and longitudinal bars in the end of web also have effect on the ductility of the columns.
He is shined to come down right, right leg chooses the ground, left foot is however on stirrup, double closefisted holds rein.
他向右被闪下来, 右脚点地, 左脚却在马镫上, 双手紧抓住缰绳。
The reasonable axial compression, load angle and the ratio of stirrup of specialshaped columns are gained from the contrastive analysis.
通过对比分析, 得出了异形柱比较合理的轴压比和加载角度。

单词 stirrup 释义



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