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单词 stirring 例句大全,用单词stirring造句:

Six bottlenose dolphins were leaping in and out of the water, stirring up whitecaps.
Put like a bowl, the uniform sprinkle a layer of salt, while spreading edge stirring.
就像一个碗放入, 统一撒上了盐层, 边搅拌而传播。
The first is that stirring the sludge causes methane to bubble to the surface faster.
A loop placement device on a stirring shaft limits the falling of the stirring shaft.
When melted chocolate is slightly warm add in eggs, stirring thoroughly in each addition.
待朱古力溶液微暖, 将蛋液分数次下, 搅至混合。
The machine is made of a mixing barrel, stirring blades and a transmission mechanism etc.
整机由混合筒, 搅拌叶片, 传动机构等部分组成。
The corrosion factors of the stirring blades and pumps in a wet acid plant were presented.
Improvement on Internal Quality of Heavy Rail Steel Bloom by Mold Electromagnetic Stirring
Numerical Simulation of Electromagnetic Stirring in Improving the Equiaxed Zone Ratio in Billet
The air was utterly dead. There was not a breath stirring. It was the sleepiest of sleepy days.
空气死一般寂等, 纹丝不动, 这是最最发困的日子。
Research on Mold Electromagnetic Stirring Technologies for Bloom Continuous Casting of Heavy Rail
Mechanisms of rotational magnetic field stirring of laser welded nonmagnetic alloy for laser welding
Study On Black Smoke And Dust Pollution Control Measures Of Stirring Kiln By Concrete Bitumen Dryness
The construction technologies of deep bed stirring method gunite pile and jet powder pile are analyzed.
The effect of viceorifice of the lance and bottom stirring on slag splashing is theoretically analyzed.
Facial mask made by stirring banana, egg white and honey has a good effect on hydrating and antiwinkle.
香蕉与蛋青, 蜂蜜搅拌做成面膜保湿抗皱效果很不错。
Cook and keep stirring so it doesnt stick or get lumpy. Continue cooking until the sago is transparent.
煮的过程中要不断的用勺子搅拌, 不然西米会粘锅底。
and adding 6di tert butyl paracresol and isothiazole quinoline ketone and stirring so as to obtain a product.
This software has been used in a biological fermentation device with stirring and sandwiching heating features.
Stirring convex bars are arranged on the inner wall of the barrel body, and the cross sections thereof are conical.
桶体内壁上具有搅拌凸筋, 搅拌凸筋的横截面呈锥形。
Inside the hopper there is a stirring device in order to avoid agglomeration of raw material and forming canal of flow.
The Improvement of the Literary Quality of The Analects of Confucius by Using Figures of Speech and Stirring Beginnings
The higher the temperature is , the bigger the stirring flow of the solder surface is, the more the scum there will be.
温度越高及焊锡表面的搅流越大, 形成的浮渣越多。
bucket stainlesssteel seal tank of threelayer structure with stirring and automatic constant temperaturepreservation functions.
The utility model still uses the base structure that a threshing wheel drum and a shed cover are installed on a threshing stirring barrel.

单词 stirring 释义

  • 单词释义:激动人心的;鼓舞人心的;令人激情澎湃的  [更多..]



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