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单词 stipulation 例句大全,用单词stipulation造句:

Judge individual staff must observe in the judicial personnel behavior criterion the stipulation.
A 5 That stipulation is not in the constitution. This is you forcing your fanatically patriotic view.
This suggests that the requirement of express stipulation is to be interpreted with some flexibility.
That is, the export draws back the tax stipulation to be only suitable for tradetype the outward cargo.
也就是说, 出口退税的规定只适用于贸易性的出口货物。
Article 96 The coowners shall manage the commonly owned realty or chattel in accordance with stipulation
It has been stipulated by the government that. To this stipulation, many people respond actively because.
政府规定许多人对此规定积极回应, 因为
The fourth part is the correlation stipulation flaw of our contract law and its legislation consummation.
第四部分, 我国合同法相关规定的缺陷及其立法完善。
Various test indexes of effluent quality reached the stipulation by the national purifielc water standard.
Where Specific Provisions of this Law or other laws stipulate otherwise, such stipulation shall be applied.
After reinspection we found that the quality of the goods was not in conformity with the contract stipulation.
If the attendants violates the stipulation, Party A shall compensate our company and thirty partys relative loss.
如有违反, 甲方应酌情赔偿本公司及第三人之经济损失。
They go there for a fixed period of time on rotation in accordance with the stipulation of the central government.
Article 30 The assignor must to carry on the development and construction deferring to the contractual stipulation.
These days promote May transform the debenture issue new stipulation, the negotiable securities prompt sale new means.
这几天推出的可转换债券发行新规定, 证券期货交易新办法。
If the manufactory has no clear stipulation, arrange for 1 year or so in general after being put into operation formally.
若制造厂无明确规定, 一般安排在正式投产后1年左右。
exceeds the time limit does not fulfill, legally will apply to enforce or according to the related stipulation execution.
逾期不履行的, 将依法申请强制执行或按有关规定执行。
In our country criminal law the status violates stipulation everywhere, passes through in the entire criminal law article.
The rationalization of both stipulation and description are the important contents of the development of human description.
International Financial Report Criterion to NonLife Insurance Service Reserve Fund Correlation Stipulation and Enlightenment
Any stipulation in the original bidding documents in the same terms as aforesaid shall be amended and interpreted correspondently.
A civil juristic act subject to a stipulation of time limit shall take effect or rescind at the time when the time attached arrives.
The strong vires takes the witnessing onus of the certificate sin shares with verify the standard should have the ad hoc stipulation.
Doubt on the Stipulation of the Compensation Duration in Grain for Green Regulation Study on the Classification of Converting Farmland Back to Forest or Grassland, etc

单词 stipulation 释义

  • 单词释义:契约,规定,条文;条款说明  [更多..]



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