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单词 stir 例句大全,用单词stir造句:

Add ingredients to a mixing glass filled with ice. Stir and strain into chilled glass.
Carrie did not stir at the words. She was bound up completely in the man's atmosphere.
嘉莉听了这话一动也没动, 她被这个男人创造的气氛迷住了。
Appreciate Bad bottom living Stir up a class of staff a work enthusiasm Coagulate dint.
Heat wok, oil, oil heat, add onion and garlic flavor the end and chop pepper stir Stir.
Poor rootbeer into old fashioned glass, over ice. Add vanilla and amaretto. Stir gently.
This soap opera acts therole by Shanghai renowned actor Zhai Naishe, once created a stir.
Add flour mixture and milk in alternately into the butter mixture, stir gently until mix.
将面粉混合物和牛奶交替地加入牛油混合物内, 轻轻拌匀。
Fill a highball glass with ice, crushed or cubed, your choice. Add all ingredients and stir.
Only the Holy Spirit can really soften hearts for acceptance and stir the soul with conviction.
Add seasonings and turn to high heat, stir evenly until all sauce is absorbed, dish up and serve.
Stir sticky rice powder and coco plasm.use them as stuffing.At last mould them into little apple.
将糯米粉跟椰浆, 拌匀蒸熟包馅, 做成小苹果的形状。
Add the sugar and salt, stir well, and then add the buttermilk to form a loose, sconetype mixture.
This mode of argument can only stir up its antithesis, which is the rise of Taiwanese nationalism.
The beauty bosom friend is a kind of point to stir, ordering to stir your wrong path in the heart.
Remain a bit of oil in the same skillet to stir fry the minced garlic and mushrooms until aromatic.
锅底留少许底油, 爆香蒜末和菇丝, 加入三椒丝翻炒片刻。
Upright men shall be astonied at this, and the innocent shall stir up himself against the hypocrite.
Pour lime juice into a glass filled with ice. Fill with club soda and stir. Add grenadine and stir again.
She now comes to such an extent that she is always frightened by the false alarm and fears any sign of stir.
Stir constantly and the rice will start to become sticky, at this point, add fish broth and continue to stir.
Heat up a frying pan with oil. Stir in slices of ginger, onion, garlic, star anise and peppercorns until aromatic.
Add the apple and apricot. Stir until coated. Dig a hole in the centre of the flour mixture with the mixing spoon.
Adding an appropriate amount according to individual taste seasoning, mix well with a little sesame oil, stir well can.
依个人口味加入适量调料, 拌入少许香油, 搅匀即可。
Heat up a skillet with oil, adding pork.Stir until almost cooked.Add in chopped ginger, onion and pickled chilli until fragrant.
炒锅中放适量油把肉丝炒至快熟, 加入姜蒜末和泡椒末炒香。
The empathy is such that the absorbed poems stir, agitate, even haunt himher, making the utterance of them an absolute must as Jin Shengtan said.
于译入之文字, 更须渤涉嵩览, 静味细玩, 方可称诗家。
In a position of this sort, even though the enemy should offer us an attractive bait, it will be advisable not to stir forth, but rather to retreat
支形者, 敌虽利我, 我无出也, 引而去之

单词 stir 释义

  • 单词释义:(使)移动;搅拌;(使)行动;(使)微动  [更多..]



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