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单词 sting 例句大全,用单词sting造句:

To meet one kind of danger it grew a shell. For another, a sting.
为了抵御某种危险, 它们生出了壳, 或者有些长出了刺。
An acrid sting lingered in the air, along with a palpable anxiety.
一股刺鼻的气味在空气中弥漫, 夹杂着触摸得到的不安。
The smile which accompanied it took the sting out of the criticism.
批评时面带笑容, 就不那么使人难堪了。
Pouring something acidic on the wound will help take the sting out.
Study on high angle of attack test technique of rear sting supports
Oh, I know the sting of the scorpion, my friend, and I can cure it.
蝎子蜇人的事我太清楚啦, 朋友。我能把它治好的。
Species include crabs, sting rays, eels, speckled trout and red fish.
There was a massive sting, and Shlomo and his crew are now in jail.
But by the look of the past few years, that barb may have lost its sting.
但从过去几年的情况看, 这种讥讽或许已经失去了锋芒。
But the sting of a sweep is still fresh for some Yankees, including Damon.
对于洋基与大门来说, 横扫所带来的伤害真是血淋淋的。
The sting and throat eye without bitterness, more comfortable natural swear.
眼无刺痛, 喉无干苦味, 更具舒适自然。
Acute Urticaria Accompanied by Abnormal Electrocardiogram Caused by Bee Sting
Snorkeling was amazing, daily seeing reef sharks, parrot fish and sting rays.
Snorkelling was amazing, daily seeing reef sharks, parrot fish and sting rays.
If the stinger is still in your skin from the bee sting you need to remove it.
Thus explaining why Viper Sting is such a crucial factor in defeating Paladins.
Wyvern Sting Required. This is a prerequisite for Noxious Stings and Black Arrow.
We are able to get ticket to the sting concert from a scalper outside the stadium.
Ndiaye also put into a tube to wasp to sting god was kneeling down to beg for mercy.
An adult might be very ill from the sting, but a baby could easily die from the poison.
They travel on to the central pond, the scorpion sting breakthrough Bend your tail a frog.
A sting of conscience or a pang of doubt aroused by wrongdoing or the prospect of wrongdoing.
Lateral Puncture is arrested sharp pain for brawn, namely the sting method of muscle disease.
Belle Well, you should learn to control your temper. Now, hold still. This may sting a little.
You are day and night oppressed with the sting of iniquity for the crimes and wanton cruelties you have committed.

单词 sting 释义

  • 单词释义:叮,螫;刺痛;精神上刺痛;刺激  [更多..]



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