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单词 still 例句大全,用单词still造句:

Wang Shu still discovers little girl and then still had turned round to laugh toward him.
And there are Abd allegations frauds which complaints commissions are still investigating.
Moon remains the same, water is still, even then there is still spring and autumn bird go.
Base of 4 moons after ankle fracture operation is treated still aches swollen still, normal
Exalted beyond this, as It'sometimes is,it remains Caliban still and still plays the beast.
But more than still hereat, still existing exchange rate and the issue that inflation leads.
但还不止于此, 还存在着汇率和通货膨胀率的问题。
I feel to there still is a lot of to be not perfected in textural, still have culpable place.
Seven treasures dine at midday of too numerous, is still very full to the abdomen in nowadays.
七宝中午吃的太多, 到现在肚子还是满满的。
When the Sangha gets up at midnight, they often see the light still burning in the Abbots room.
Crops still in the field will only be partially harvested due to abandonment and lack of labour.
由于弃收和缺少劳力, 仍在地里得作物只会部分得到收获。
There are still a lot of people who still bill the band as punk even though it should be as rock.
We rooted loudly, but our team still lost. We cheered and applauded loudly, but our team still lost.
我们大声地欢呼击掌, 但是我们参赛得队伍还是输了。
I can still jump way up and grab the leaf I'd aimed for, and my knee joints are still quite elastic.
At present, the trend is still fledgling market heavy weights, market trend is still not optimistic.
Is that something that you are still invested in, that you still believe in the notion of investment?
這是你還在投資 並且相信的投資概念嗎?
Li, though, still lives across from the abandoned factory building because she is eight months pregnant.
然而, 已怀了八个月身孕的李仍住在被废弃的工厂里。
Still can massage abdomen, passivity increases alvine peristalsis, in order to prevent costive happening.
还可以按摩腹部, 被动增加肠蠕动, 以防止便秘得发生。
An old steed in the stable still aspires to gallop a thousand lian old hero still cherishes high aspirations.
These dances still exist today, with old Dongba people still performing according to the ancient dance steps.
Although arrive now, I still hope you do not want the heart with Lilliputian to spend the abdomen of gentleman.
There is still a week left for the confinement of my sister-in-law. She still needs to be in good relaxation now.
Because imperialism still exists, because domestic reaction still exists, because classes still exist in our country.
Local politicians may still intimidate or pay off voters local electionofficers may still fiddle results after votes are in.
The burning incense is still continuously curling upwards in those ancestore temples and shrines, which are still used by the villagers.
With your arm still outstretched, turn your hand over so that it faces the sky. Release your hand and the coin still rests on your open palm.

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