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单词 sterling 例句大全,用单词sterling造句:

We commend the European Community for providing sterling leadership during its tenure.
I maintain the title by the annual payment of twelve pounds sterling for a certificate.
为了保持这一个头衔, 我每年交纳十二镑的证件费。
Our sterling silver bow fronted clutch bag charm will add instant glamour to any outfit.
我们的弧形图案手提包纯银吊饰, 即时为任何服饰增添魅力。
If the Angelica slices are sterling, this dish would be more delicious smell more aromatic.
He has sterling qualities, particularly courage and a total indifference to public opinion.
After this moneybags loses a dog very anxious, because this is a sterling entrance name dog.
Sleek, chic and elegant.Necklace in sterling silver with cultured freshwater pearls.36 long.
光鲜,时尚,优雅。纯银镶淡水养殖珍珠项链。36英寸 长。
In the sterling crisis in 1992, led a gang of Soros speculator successfully blocked a pound.
在1992年英镑危机中, 索罗斯带领一帮投机家成功地阻击了英镑。
Pampering, canapes , drinks, fashion shows, workshops and a keepsake sterling silver necklace.
情怀, 浪漫婚纱展, 工作坊和纪念品纯银项链。
She enjoys a sterling reputation in law enforcement circles and among the community in general.
The bales in this field near Sterling are of good quality and less likely to produce this disease.
田野中标准捆包, 质量好, 就很少发生种此病。
An American exporter sells his goods to a British importer and is paid in British pounds sterling.
一位美国出口商把商品卖给英国进口商, 换回的是英镑。
This handcrafted solid sterling silver ring features a filigree band with key cross and heart design.
Beautiful amethyst necklace in sterling silver. Absolutely stunningand evocative of a gothic princess.
The depreciation of sterling is adding to imported cost pressures, but pay pressures continue to wane.
英镑贬值增加进口成本压力, 但薪资压力继续消退。
Europes currency is also notching gains against the yen, sterling, Swiss franc and Australian dollar.
Sterling transferability affords a means of multilateral settlement for trade between nondollar countries.
The full amount of your booking will be paid directly to the hotel on the arrival in British Pound Sterling.
Dollar rose sharply against the pound sterling exchange rate, reducing the attractiveness of gold investment.
Diamonds set in white gold and platinum, platinum wedding bands, Old Florence sterling silver collection from Italy
Most UK investors will want to invest with a sterling denominated check, rather than convert to dollars beforehand.
In the past, Chinese businessmen have had a sterling reputation for honesty, fairness, and being true to their word.
以前的华人商人拥有优秀的名声诚实, 公平, 遵守诺言。
Angel wings captured in sterling silver. These stud earrings measure 13mm in length and come with butterfly fastenings.
By the end of the day, sterling had gone, possibly assisted by a large piece of mergers and acquisitions finance, but Mr Brown hadnt.
Sterling Silver with Gold overlay polished band is engraved with the message of your choice up to 25 letters and spaces. Band is 5mm.

单词 sterling 释义

  • 单词释义:标准纯度的;含标准成分的;符合最高标准的,高质量的;品格优秀的  [更多..]



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