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单词 steak 例句大全,用单词steak造句:

This is your appetizer and this is your steak, please enjoy your meal.
As for main course we had Steak and Fish, but these were just average.
Arrange the steak to a warm plate and cover tightly with aluminum foil.
Just ate a tender juicy steak and some lobster. Feeling very satisfied!
Last night I ate a robust dinner of steak and lobster at the restaurant.
May I introduce you to strip steak accompanied by an airy beetroot froth?
Grilled pork steak with B. B. Q sauce, baked potato and sweet corn on cob
煎猪排配烧烤汁, 烤土豆和玉米
Angus Beef Tenderloin Steak with Bacon, Special Black Pepper Red Wine Sauce
The appetizing kabob and steak cooked on the spot will match various tastes.
现场得烧烤供应各款进口扒类和串烧, 香气四溢。
I ordered the delicious rabbit meat again, and my honey ordered a beef steak.
我再次点了美味的兔肉, 老公点的是牛排。
Porterhouse steak is so expensive, because its considered a fine cut of beef.
meat beef, pork, lamb, veal, chops, fillet, steak, roast, leg of , breast of.
All right, so my friend would like to have steak, baked potato and green salad.
We are allied with the taurens? Fantastic! We will be having steak twice a week!
Heat 2 tbsp oil and fry the salmon steak until both sides are golden. Set aside.
Ben had planned a steak dinner for himself after seeing Jackie off on her plane.
Would you like Baked potato, potato skin or French fries to come with your steak?
您喜欢焗薯, 薯皮还是薯条来配你的牛扒?
I particularly advise you four people to taste the sirloin steak. It's really delicious.
我特意向你们四个人推荐这道牛腰排骨, 味道真的不错。
Off the basketball court, Michael Jordan opened his own steak so much. He also found success.
Steak with sauteed kidneys and onions cooked in wine and stock then covered with pastry and baked.
Moreover, ounce for ounce, bread and potatoes have fewer calories than sirloin steak and roast beef.
I Have cream of white bean soup, Grilled sirloin steak wiht gravy sauce, fresh fruit plate. hot coffee.
我要白豆忌廉汤, 西冷牛扒配烧汁, 鲜水果碟, 热咖啡。
One of the healthiest cuts of beef is the flank steak which, when prepared correctly, is absolutely delicious!
But rather than cupcakes, hes baking a steak and ale pie, and hes baking it messily, kneading the pastry with meaty hands.
他烤的是牛排和麦芽馅饼, 而不是纸杯蛋糕。
Import the strength beef steak in Philippines and select the ox willow imported for use, nutritious, little muscles do not have fat oil, flavor is fragrant and soft.

单词 steak 释义

  • 单词释义:牛排;碎牛肉;鱼片  [更多..]



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