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单词 stay 例句大全,用单词stay造句:

Hoping you're feeling preferable eVery abundance day and will soon be well to stay.
愿你一天比一天更好, 早日痊愈, 康健常保。
Three to five million people are unable to access basic requirements to stay alive.
Once you're there, stay absolutely quiet until you are sure that the coast is clear.
I would rather stay accompanying you by you but, accompany your life have visited us.
Aniston's friend finally said that the actress has taken a resolution to stay single.
What if foreign experts ask for leave of absence or stay away from work without leave?
I went there for some seminars and academic conferences, but I didn't stay there long.
我去参加过几次讨论会和学术会议, 但在那儿呆的时间不长。
The accounts payable subsidiary helps the company stay current in payments to suppliers.
Governments at all levels and all cadres must stay honest and clean and abide by the law.
各级政府和所有干部都必须做到清正廉明, 奉公守法。
Active not invited to do, to stay third room with people, to stay and have some humility.
Line of wood, gesso, paint is in stay when seaming, should stay more appropriately a few.
Accustomed to black and white reversed, nocturnal, like a wandering ghost, or a short stay.
The key of the technique is accuracy of identified fundamental frequency of each stay cable.
Her drive to stay consistent will prompt her to accede to your request and bring a main dish.
The hospital stay was shorter in the TA group, but it did not achieve statistical significance.
氨甲环酸组住院期缩短, 但并未达到统计学意义。
You decided to stay in college for an additional year or two, just for the free Internet access.
为了能继续免费上网, 大学时你决定推迟一两年再毕业。
The lotus leaf fern Adiantum growth conditions of the study also stay in more qualitative analysis.
B right now, after nearly half year of her abortion, he wanted to stay in the relationship with her.
现在, 离她打胎已近半年, 他却提出想和她继续维持关系
Stay on top of absenteeism and institute programs designed to reduce money spent for time not worked.
One way to make sure you stay focused on what you desire to achieve is to have a plan of action in place.
abstract Objective To explore the dominate factors influencing the average length of stay for discharge patients.
"You're so beautifully dressed," she said and added quite inconsequentially,"Can you stay the night?"
Such a short period of his stay in Sichuan saw fruitful academic results, and his lectures brought about very great effects.
He is accused of trying to rape a maid this month in his suite at the Sofitel hotel in New York. He will stay with his wife.
This time when we went to the inspect work in the country, we had arranged to stay with different peasant families during our stay.

单词 stay 释义

  • 单词释义:停留;保持;暂时  [更多..]



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