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单词 statutory 例句大全,用单词statutory造句:

Violating the provisions of law by overrunning the statutory term for imposing coercive measures.
Article 39 The Company shall not prepare any other accounting book rather than the statutory ones.
Failing to accept the applications for administrative license that meet the statutory requirements.
No import commodity subject to statutory inspection that has not been inspected may be sold or used.
whether the laws of that country require a statutory audit of the world wide accounts of the company.
It shall be regarded as a refusal of ratification that the statutory agent does not make any expression.
A decision of the local authority pursuant to the power and duties impose upon it by the statutory code.
Claimant may use the following declaration form to make statutory declaration for the evidence of claim.
索偿人可使用以下的声明表格作出法定声明, 作为申索理据。
The Ombudsman is an independent statutory authority operating in accordance with The Ombudsman Ordinance.
The share reserved shall, if the baby is stillborn, be dealt with in accordance with statutory succession.
Plan approval in accordance with statutory requirements of the government of the flag State, when authorised.
You must attach a statutory declaration from each of these people giving permission for the child to migrate.
No one may requisition any land owned collectively with violation of the statutory power limit and procedures.
Director of Environmental Protection issues permit in accordance with a relevant statutory Technical Memorandum.
Director of Environmental Protection issues Notices in accordance with a relevant statutory Technical Memorandum.
The company's statutory common welfare fund is used for the collective welfare of the company's staff and workers.
Article 5 The term allocations shall refer to the amount to be disbursed in accordance with statutory use and terms.
Any coercive measure that has exceeded the statutory term shall be immediately released or altered according to law.
对超过法定期限的强制措施, 应当立即依法解除或变更。
The Government has also agreed in principle to establish a statutory coordinating body for the construction industry.
此外, 政府亦原则上同意为建造业成立法定的统筹机构。
Judicial organs within the statutory authority in accordance with the law on the requirements for judicial activities.
Concerning the disposal of cognition error of facts, this article affirms the theory of abstract statutory conformation.
After reduction of the capital, the amount of the companys registered capital shall not be less than the statutory minimum.
Audits for the issuance of the statutory certificates for passenger ships are undertaken by the marine department for passenger ships.
Besides the insured as a statutory beneficiary, a designated beneficiary is also likely to exist either in personal insurance or in property insurance.
One should also apprise oneself of the statutory duties of a director and be satisfied that one is in a position to discharge the same before accepting the appointment.

单词 statutory 释义

  • 单词释义:法定的,法令的;依照法令的;可依法处罚的  [更多..]



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