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单词 steal 例句大全,用单词steal造句:

I needed a special spanner and I couldn't beg, steal or borrow one anywhere.
我需要一把特殊的扳手, 但我无论如何也找不到。
Gain access to the Sickbay and steal 50 currency to give to Sergeant O Brien.
Someone with an irrational urge to steal in the absence of an economic motive.
I questioned Li and. in the end. he admitted pretending to steal his own vase.
So it could not have been easy to steal away anything that Argus was watching.
They will dynamite and burn our museums and try to steal our valuable artwork.
Gibson did manage to collect five assists, a block and a steal against the Bucks.
Identity theft is the misuse of private authenticating information to steal money.
盗用身份是滥用私人认证信息, 以盗取金钱为目的。
The third party would not steal my personal information through Bluetooth advertising.
Study on Anchorage Block Crack Treatment of Steal Tubular Arch of Qinggan River Bridge
Anyone who failed to see the previous issue would have to beg,steal,or borrow a copy.
Failure to obtain a driver's license or driving others to steal open aircraft, motor ship.
They don't steal the show entirely, but neither do they appear as distractive or annoying.
Steal, damage deliberately or move without authorization lifesaving articles or appliances.
No government program will assist here, and tough economic times cannot steal these ideals.
没有政府的计画会介入, 而经济不景气也不能偷走这些东西。
There have been reports of youths taking advantage of the general confusion to loot and steal.
A family of six plotting to steal bus coins and their accomplices were arrested in North Point.
Some men borrow books; some men steal books; and others beg presentation copies from the author.
And how fortunate that he did nothing but steal! Ah, mon Dieu! It makes one shudder to think of it!
Watch out for this email that must be a pirate account trying to steal your password to your account.
注意这个邮件如海盗账户一样, 会盗取你账户的密码。
Anybody cannot go beyond the law and the system, does not embezzle, does not steal, does not putrefy.
任何人不能超越法律与制度, 不贪污, 不盗窃, 不腐化。
Everyday in the evening, he turns over wall dibble, steal wantonly, in the home unexpectedly abundant also rise.
天天晚上, 他翻墙挖洞, 大肆盗窃, 家里居然也富足起来。
Summary Having joined Red Flower Society, Fong SaiYuk is assigned by the chief Chen Chialu to steal a brocade case.
To steal information from a person is called plagiarism. To steal information from the enemy is called gathering intelligence.
Health Steal Benumb Gauntlet is still dropped by Melvil Boss and it transfers health from the target to the fist using Benumb Health Steal.

单词 steal 释义

  • 单词释义:窃取;偷偷移动;偷垒  [更多..]



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