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单词 startling 例句大全,用单词startling造句:

But what was startling was the emaciation of his face. It was like a skull.
但是教人吃惊的是他面孔的消瘦, 完全像个骷髅。
Terror woke up in my breast as sudden and startling as the crash of cymbals.
恐怖在我心中敲响, 有如钟钹齐鸣。
Forecasters say an arctic front will bring even more startling snow tomorrow.
Scoring an advance in reproductive technology as unsettling as it was startling.
The most startling variations, however, lie in the interest your money can earn.
然而, 最令人吃惊的变化是你的钱可以赚到的利息。
The audience felt that a startling revelation was to follow this ominous prelude.
When the ecologists had finished their fieldwork, they made a startling discovery.
完成野外研究之后, 这些生态学家们有了一个惊人发现。
The scene of the previous night now came back to his mind with startling clearness.
Suddenly there was a startling flash of bright lightening thunder rolled and boomed.
After the Rangers encounter a virus, Mack makes a startling discovery about himself.
One of the most startling proposals for amelioration, in fact, came from Wall Street.
Jane wrote a letter to a newspaper. This letter contained some startling allegations.
As soon as the first cracks appeared in his public support, a startling erosion set in.
当公众对他的支持出现裂缝时, 惊人的崩溃随着就开始了。
In the first place, his startling likeness to Catherine connected him fearfully with her.
If you have an inventive streak, you could make a startling discovery or breakthrough now.
At first sight, the suggestion that US armed forces are now overstretched appears startling.
乍一看, 有关美国军队现在战线过长的说法似乎耸人听闻。
Meanwhile, thanks to a series of startling medical breakthroughs, his father was in recovery.
The frenchman landois studied and experimented and finally came up with the startling discovery.
But even among the meritocratic elite, the economys evolution has produced a startling divergence.
One of the most startling aspects of the wild bull market was the suddenness with which it developed.
Academics came up with the startling images after throwing away 500 years of conventional cartography.
学者们抛弃了500年的传统制图法, 绘制出了惊人的图像。
Or as your tear drop while deeply attached, dripping on my cheek, startling my soul, touching my heart.
Later, the medic reported some startling news.Chi Fu hurried inside the tent and dragged Mulan outside.
Suddenly there was a startling flash of bright lightening, and thunder rolled. Rain started to pour down.

单词 startling 释义



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