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单词 staring 例句大全,用单词staring造句:

Staring at the vast field, it seems that have I returned to my birthplace.
Have dropped it, still have going to listen to song continue staring blankly.
算了, 还是去听听歌继续发呆把。
He stood by the bank of the river, staring blankly at the ripples in the water.
Realtime detection of moving point targets in staring binocular imaging system.
In the bar, a youngish, sharp-eyed man was staring moodily into a gin and tonic.
My sister, in a staring red dress, was accosted by a swarm of shabby panhandlers.
The two dogs are staring angrily at each other, but their masters don't know why.
You might find your child staring at your body and asking you questions about it.
He was rubbing his forehead and staring angrily at the glass door in front of him.
He went on walking down Alvin Street, humming to himself, the old man staring at him.
He found himself staring at an extraordinary architectural confection of old and new.
Chandler Hey! Stop staring at my wifes legs! No no! Stop staring at your sisters legs!
When we're stressed or staring danger in the face, the brain's hypothalamus is activated.
You crouch on the fire escape, sweating in your dark clothes, staring into this bathroom.
你蹲伏在消防通道上, 汗流浃背, 观察着浴室。
When I went into his office he was staring out of the window, apparently lost to the world.
我走进他的办公室时, 他正望着窗外出神。
In this paper, the noise of staring IR focal plane array thermal imaging system is discussed.
This time, I was bawling on a 7:30 a.m. train to Manhattan. People, understandably, were staring.
He said nothing but sat there staring blankly. or He said nothing but sat there as if in a trance.
他话也不说, 坐在那里发呆。
Highspeed autodetection of moving small targets in remote sensing staring binocular imaging system.
Staring at our school badge, we look back on the past, we assess the present, and we contemplate the future.
Consultants and clients are no longer staring at each other in bewilderment from opposite sides of the table.
They kept staring at the exit through which he had disappeared, then looked around to see how others reacted to his absence.
He was so fascinated with the group, staring at them while continuing to peddle, that he nearly steered his bike into a wall.
In the street, I see two poor rascals engaged in a hot argument of words with faces flushed and their eyes staring with anger.
And those who prefer staring at a television or mashing buttons on a game console, they say, can still benefit from reading on the Internet.

单词 staring 释义

  • 单词释义:目不转睛的;凝视的;显眼的;(毛发)竖立的  [更多..]



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