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单词 stormy 例句大全,用单词stormy造句:

Such principles provided a moral compass in the stormy seas of politics.
If they hadn't saved us, we would have been drowned in the stormy river.
The couple had a stormy marriage and eventually went their separate ways.
他们俩婚姻不和谐, 最后还是分道扬镳了。委内瑞拉总。
To be alive, under sunshine or under starlight, in weather fair or stormy.
Stormy applause broke forth the moment the pop star appeared on the stage.
I hope it'll be stormy so that we don't have to go to school for the exam.
On the stormy ocean, the little boat was hardly discernible among the waves.
暴风雨得海面上, 小船在巨浪间忽隐忽现。
The shuttle made a detour to California because of stormy weather in Florida.
由于佛罗里达州的暴风雨天气, 航天飞机在加州被耽搁。
The masonry facing of the embankment was destroyed seriously by stormy waves.
At first she was very nervous about making the crossing in such stormy weather.
Scarcely had Professor Green finished his report when stormy applause broke out.
Preservation Society of Chinese Classical Studies in the Stormy of Westernization
The issue has provoked a stormy debate between the left and the right of the party.
As a child, I used to enjoy watching the stormy waves breaking over the harbour wall.
His desperate search for inspiration sparks memories of his past stormy relationships.
How can you expect to enjoy a lovely sunny morning without experiencing a stormy night?
When these eyes flash their lightning the dark clouds in your breast make stormy answer.
当这一对眼睛闪出电光, 你胸中的浓云发出风暴的回答。
Although the weather had been stormy all night, the crew did not expect serious problems.
尽管整晚都是暴风, 船员们认为不会有什么大麻烦。
A high wind blustered round the house, and roared in the chimney it sounded wild and stormy.
Ms. Copperfield told me that your business has been badly affected by the stormy weather this month.
Scotland is getting ready to capitalize on something the country has plenty of fierce, stormy waves.
We shall never allow that torch of freedom to be blown out, however high the wind or stormy the tempest.
The weather is now stormy and brooding, and the placid waters of the fountain have become choppy and angry.
Probing into applying geographic information system to draft the Guangxi stormy statistic parameter contour map
One dark, stormy night I visited the dying woman. She lay there asleep in her room, neglected by her daughters and servants.
一个风雨交加的夜晚, 我又去看望垂死的女人。

单词 stormy 释义

  • 单词释义:有暴风雨的;暴风雨般的;热烈的;激烈的  [更多..]



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