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单词 strengthen 例句大全,用单词strengthen造句:

Honeysuckle can accelerate lymphocyte transformation and strengthen phagocytic function of white blood cell.
The period is to strengthen management practices, promote flowering, pod, the additional number of particles.
该时期要加强肥水管理, 促进多开花, 多结荚, 增粒数。
Party members should strengthen their Party spirit and always abide by Party Constitution and Party discipline.
所有共产党员都要增强党性, 遵守党的章程和纪律。
In law enforcement to strengthen the review and oversight of advertising and better protect consumer interests.
在执法上加强对广告的审查和监督, 更好地保障消费者权益。
The Urgent Need for Preschool Teachers'Education to Strengthen and Improve Students'Enrollment Adjustment Plans.
Should strengthen the information literacy education disseminator discipline teachers information accomplishment.
On the Legal System Reason of Lack of Force of Supervision by Public Finance Accounting and Strengthen Innovation
Strengthen the system of staff development and provide opportunities for professional advancement and retraining.
Measures to strengthen accountability and responsibility within the Secretariat in the submission of documentation
The competent tax authorities shall strengthen their management on the business accounting of tax deduction ledgers.
The Special Committee has continued its efforts to strengthen dialogue and cooperation with the administering Powers.
Therefore, in accordance with their psychological characteristics, we should strengthen their psychological education.
Strengthen the Study on the Science of Law, Speed up the progress of Administrating the Nation in Accordance with the Lav
Strengthen the System Construction to Promote the Development of Acquirement and Reorganization of the Securities Corporate
To strengthen the administrative accountability system, the problem must be held strictly the responsibility of leadership.
要强化行政问责制, 出了问题必须严格追究领导责任。
The Northern Wei Dynasty set up Shanshan and Yanqi garrison commands to strengthen its administration of the Western Regions.
College engineering teachers should strengthen the work of educating people and achieve the harmony of teaching and educating.
Through the acquisition, it enables the companies to further strengthen their businesses within the textile machinery industry.
The road administration dispatched a notice that all traffic departments should strengthen pavement controls during the festival.
We will accelerate independent innovation and industrial upgrading and further strengthen the competitive advantages of the economy.
We will implement the administrative law enforcement accountability system to strengthen and improve administrative law enforcement.
Give Full Play to the Front Function of Party School and Strengthen the Education to Activists Applying for the Membership of the Party
Strengthen the administrative accountability system and investigate and prosecute administrative improprieties in accordance with the law
强化行政问责制, 对行政过错要依法追究
Strengthen Examination on Freight Invoice Transmission, Ensure the Accounting Settlement between Freight Transport and Railway Infrastructure
Strengthen Sense of Responsibility, Fight the Decisive Battle, Ensure Successfuly Accomplish the Task of Overcoming Difficulties of Drinking Water in Rural in Three Years

单词 strengthen 释义

  • 单词释义:巩固;支持;壮大;加强;使坚定;增强  [更多..]



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