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单词 squeeze 例句大全,用单词squeeze造句:

In the Amazonian jungle he could not squeeze it between the trees.
I could always squeeze in a commercial or an audition here, there.
Unfortunately his latest squeeze, known as Wren, is a video artist.
然而不幸的是, 他最近结识的女子雷恩却是一位视频艺术家。
Warm Tips Do not squeeze, puncture and bulge bag, please not edible.
温馨提示勿挤压, 扎破, 胀袋, 漏气勿食用。
Endure endure countless small hair squeeze squeeze becomes a pompon.
Wear loose comfortable clothing, avoiding clothes squeeze Le tattoos.
Though we are hundreds of miles apart, I can feel you squeeze my hand.
虽然我俩远隔千里, 但我可以感受到你这紧握我手心。
Can we squeeze any more money out of the budget to pay for their hotels
Others have used their political allies to squeeze out foreign partners.
When you squeeze the trigger, a round or rounds of ammunition are fired.
Ok, now all you have to do is take a deep breath and squeeze the trigger.
好的,现在你只要深呼吸 然后扣下扳机。
This can allow the roll to squeeze and relieve undue pressure on the roll.
这能帮助轧辊轧制, 还能防止轧辊受力过大。
Andy smiles faintly in spite of himself. Red gives his shoulder a squeeze.
安迪不由自主的笑了起来, 瑞德耸耸肩。
I wish a nigger had a grenade to squeeze tight to awake neighbors for acres
Squeeze gently, allowing the child adequate time to swallow the medication.
轻轻挤压, 使小儿有充分的时间吞咽药物。
The Soviet Union has adopted measures which squeeze the peasants very hard.
This will loosen your stools. Please squeeze it into your anus every night.
This will loosen your stools. Please squeeze it into your anus every night.
This will loosen your stools. Please squeeze it into your anus every night.
Trite comments such as squeeze the toothpaste betray a real lack of thought.
And she'd squeeze me so tight I could barely breathe and then she'd let me go.
她抱得那么紧,我都透不过气来 然后她才会放开我
If you want Mike to pay you back, you'll have to squeeze the money out of him.
如果你要麦可还你钱, 你得要用逼的让他吐出钱来。
Pour Beer into a frosty mug. Add tomato juice. Squeeze lemon. Dash salt. Drink.
啤酒入冰镇杯, 加入其它。
I really appreciate it that you could squeeze some time out to read this letter.
Do not use any tools tea spoon or tea bag squeeze, in order to avoid astringency.

单词 squeeze 释义

  • 单词释义:挤压;压榨;紧闭(双眼);拥挤;勒索;严格限制;榨取  [更多..]



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